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The girl was standing across from a large pond. Her dreary grey uniform was a few sizes too big and made it hard to concentrate. She knew what happened if she didn't concentrate. Her hands were turned towards the pond and her wide nose was scrunched in focus. Her brain hurt. She did what the people told her – clearing her mind from all except the pond in front of her. It was big, she thought, too big. But she couldn't tell them that. The grass under her feet was starting to turn to frost. Her head started to throb. If she could just do this, she would be okay. A burst of light, icy blue, burst from her delicate hands. She was thrown back onto the ground. The ice hit the pond with an icy blue explosion which spread around the pond. It covered a majority of the water – her best yet – but not good enough. She looked around for any soldiers. There were two posted by every child or teen. She managed to catch her best friends eye from a few places away. She gave her a quick nod to which her friend – Kiera – responded with a smirk. Slowly she started to drift towards the sky, her face a perfect mask of fear and confusion. She could hear her from where she stood. "Help! Help! I can't stop!" the soldiers that were positioned beside the girl ran to help get Kiera back to her feet. She didn't need the assistance of course, but she was her friend and that's what friends do. Without missing a beat, the small girl dashes to the pond. She laid her delicate hands onto the glassy surface. She felt the familiar bolts surge through her bony arms. She loved that feeling. A hastily cleared her mind and felt... she didn't know how to explain it. Something inside her was pouring into the water from her hands that had started to get covered in ice. The ice spread through the pond as intended. she bolted up and back to her spot. This whole thing had gone for less than five minutes. She felt a pang of guilt for Keira. The soldiers had ways of turning off our curses. For people like Keira, it was a long pole with something that looked quite a bit like a taser. She had heard the bigger kids talking in whispers about what they had overhead. The pole disrupted the cerebellum part of the brain. She didn't know what it meant but it seemed important. Kiera dropped like a rock, her limbs trembling slightly and out of her control. It took a few seconds for her to gain control of her limbs and stand to her feet. The two girls grinned at each other, the plan had worked as always. The soldiers came back in a worse mood than before but unaware of what the girls had done. He looked at the pond and gave her a curt nod. Her head was throbbing with a nasty headache but she imagined Kiera had the same so she stayed silent. She was proud. Good job, Neva, she said to herself.   


Hey y'all! 

Sorry I haven't done anything lately, I have had a LOT of stuff going on :)))))

But I am here and I am lovin' it (mostly). 

Thanks for the 60+ views, my friends!

- DeeJay

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