Enjoying the show?

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The girl sat with her back to an old maple tree and a leather book rested in her lap. She nibbled her lip absentmindedly as she read. She heard laughter, of course this was not abnormal, however, this was mischievous, taunting laughter. Not able to ignore it any longer, she thrust her book aside with a scowl on her face and stood with a lack of grace. She smoothed out her now ruffled skirt and stormed over to the group of students crowded around what she could only assume. She forced her way to the front of the circle, fuming, to find her suspicions confirmed. Austin Wilde stood in the middle of the group with a cocky smirk and three buddies beside him. Isaac Gawen was doubled over in laughter, Asher Keller was grinning with an eager look on his pink face and Dorian Amos was standing and looking quite bored and an arm on his hip, inspecting his nails and a slight smile on the edge of his lips. The second Austin spotted Rose he tried in vain to smooth out his uniform and ruffled his chestnut brown hair. He slouched and tried his very best to look as relaxed as possible. "Hey, Mayfair. Enjoying the show?"

She glared at him and then glanced at the boy that looked suspiciously like he had fallen over, loathing written all over his face. "Do you smell something?" Austin taunts, then points his wand at the boy. "Fettio." Suddenly the area starts to smell of something dead or rotting.

Rose balled up her hands into fists and drew her wand, pointing it at the boy in the center. "Bonum." And slowly the smell ceased. She didn't take her furious glare from the cocky boy with the brown hair as his friends "oooo"ed and watched for a reaction. All he did was smirk and point his wand at the boy again. Rose was faster. She had her wand pointed at Austin with a curse on her lips. "Don't make me hex you, Grey. Leave Dustin alone."

Dustin, the boy on the ground, was gapping at Rose as he scrambled to get up. Her deep black hair whipped around her face.

Austin raised his hands in mock surrender. "Glad your girlfriends here, Dusty?" he teased.

Dustin's ears turned pink and he looked at the ground. "She's not my girlfriend," he mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and sauntered away, back to the river to her friends with Dustin in tow.

Isaac patted Austin on the shoulder. "You'll get her next time, Romeo." Austin rolled his eyes.



This one isn't my best and its kinda confusing. It's very much influenced by James Potter and Lily Evans (my eternal ship). It's a magic school like Hogwarts but of my own making with my own spells, classes, houses, uniforms, and characters. (it took a really long time :)) however it is not a fanfiction because I do not do fanfiction. no nuh uh. I planned my very own love story for these lovebirds that put Lily and James to shame ;)

- DJay 

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