Day 30

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With tears in her eyes and broken promises on her tongue she looked at him. She was shaking. "What? Was I not good enough for you? You... you said to give you thirty days. Well guess what, its day thirty? What's my reason for living now? Because I can't think of one. Was I just – was I not important enough? Did you forget about me? Is that why you barely talked to me at school – you were embarrassed? Is that it? You don't want to be seem with the emo girl?" she let out a crazed laugh, holding fragments of her broken past. "Am I just that embarrassing to you? God, I was so stupid. I – I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry but... you know what? I'm not sorry. Screw you. Screw you for giving me a reason to live before vanishing from my life. Screw you for making promises you can't keep. Screw you for everything!" tears ran down her pink cheeks, her eyes were guarded, as usual, keeping him out of the windows to her soul, yet she looked strangely vulnerable.

In two steps, he was mere inches from her delicate face. His breath smelt of cigarettes and min, probably laced with another girls' spit, she though bitterly. He took her arms in his rough hands. She looked away, struggling weakly. "I'm sorry. But you know what I'm not sorry for? I'm not sorry that I met you that day. I'm not sorry that I made a promise and I'm not sorry that I fell so, so hard for you. It scares me. But I am sorry for leaving. I'm sorry that you are so gentle and sweet and I'm coarse and crude. I'm sorry that you feel alone and I'm sorry that I'm a horrible friend. I'm not embarrassed of you, Tess. If the whole world were watching I'd dance with you, choose you, over and over again. I'm sorry that I'm a horrible friend but... maybe I don't want to just be your friend anymore..." she was frozen in place, staring into his sky-blue eyes, the wall was down in her own eyes and she looked just as beautiful and angelic as the day he met her. Her mouth was parted slightly as she stared at him and her tears had dried to her cheeks. He kissed her. It was wonderful. "Number thirty – I love you," he mumbled against her lips.



This is from an idea of like, suicidal girl gets saved by a boy who promises to give her one reason to live everyday for 30 days and they fall in love and whatever :)

I hope you enjoy xoxox

- DJay  

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