You'll never forget me...

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His hand was tight around her throat, ink against her porcelain skin. He glares at her through tiny slits. She let out a choked laugh. "You gonna kill me? Go ahead," she spat at him, glaring with all the strength she could muster.

He hated her, and she knew that. He tightened his grip, his mouth curving into a snakelike grin. She felt a chill to her bone. He chuckled and threw her to the ground where she sat rubbing her bruised throat and trying her hardest to look fearless. "Oh no. No, I'm not gonna kill you. I'll make you wish you dead." He took a slow, torturous step towards her.

She didn't dare stand but continued to glare.

"Gone soft, have ya? Pity. Maybe if you weren't such a little bitch he never would have –" his hand flew across her cheek so fast she hadn't seem him move. He snarled at her, standing only inches from where she cowered with tears in her eyes and a red print on her cheek. She refused to cower.

"How dare you! I'll make you wish you were never born! I'll make you cower at my knees and beg me for a merciful death! And you won't get it! No, no, no... you'll never forget this... never me..." he had a crazed look in his dark eyes and a smile that shook her to her very core. She let lose a small whimper and, for the first time, felt fear so pure that she wished she had never said what she did...   


Yo, yo!

This is lowkey "you gonna kill me Mista J?" but oh well. That is all :)

- DJay

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