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The snow fell lightly outside the window as a bright red neon light shone above them. "So, read to leave?" She rolled her eyes and tried her best to keep her expression impassive. As much as she hated to admit it, she had fun that night - drinking hot chocolate and talking about anything except their differences. She almost smiled just thinking about it. Almost.
He let out a bright laugh and shook his head. "On the contrary, m'lady, but if you insist." He made a show of grabbing his coat from the back of his chair with a groan. She stifled a laugh. They walked to the door, the cafe was empty and the streets were deserted - maybe due to the hurl wind of snow flying around outside in the grey sky. She looked concerned but he only wore joy. He held open the door and she winced.
"I don't much like snow," she mumbled.
He laughed again, causing her to smile wearily. "I'll protect you, m'lady." He grabbed her hand and they walked into the street. They stood like that: outside the store while he stared at her and she crinkled her face in disgust. He couldn't stop watching. The way the snow fell on and contrasted her blue-black hair, the way her eyes followed every drop as if it will be the one to make her ill, the way her hands were balled up inside her jacket to protect them and the way her knees were bent slightly as if she can escape the blizzard ever so slightly. She sees his staring and scoffs. "Do I have chocolate on my face?" He shakes his head lightly. "Then stop staring!" She kicks snow his way, creating a small lump of wet snow on his boots. She lets out a laugh. It sounds like music to his ears. He grins and builds up a tiny snowball, only to throw it at her torso moments later. This time he laughs. She kneels down and scoops up some snow, bends her arm back and- he grabs her by the wrist and she squirms, giggling while he laughs along. Without realising it, they end up face to face, millimeters from each others face. He gingerly wipes some snow from her forehead she smirks. "Okay there, Snowflake?"
Her face goes beet her. "I want to get out of the cold," she frowns. He smiles and offers her hand which she stares at until he drops it.
And together, they walk back to the school.


Sorry I've been sorta inactive, I've just had a lot going on and a LOT of homework :o
I went to the snow not long ago and snow isn't actually that great when it's falling on you and getting you drenched.
- DJay

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