She's my sister

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He made a step towards me but Jason held pushed me gently behind him with a growl. "Don't you touch her."

My brother glared at him. "She's my sister, she needs me." I didn't know what to think, what I want... what I need. 

"She needs someone who will protect her, not hurt her. That someone is me."

My brother cocked his head slightly and stared at Jason with strange amusement. "I wonder what will get you killed faster - Your loyalty or your stubbornness?"

Jason made a sudden grab for him but I quickly grab his shirt. "Go home. You're not wanted here. You're not needed."

Hurt flashes my big brothers features. I want to reach out, to say something of comfort or offer him a hug. "Max, I..." I break off, staring at him and struggling for words. 

He shook his head. When his eyes met mine they were full of rage mingled with hatred. It took my breath away. Jason didn't flinch. "Leave," he spat.

With a backwards glance full of lost memories and unsaid threats, he leaves the room. 



Thanks for reading!!!!

I'm trying my best to write as must as possible so ya :)

I'm going to go meet some famous authors on Thursday so I will totally take advice from them and tell you lot what happens :3.

- DJay 

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