Your nightmares are real

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The girl's cries filled the empty corridor but no one came to help. Her body trembled. She could see the large shadow and hear It's groans echo through the room. She wanted to run, to hide, but there was no one to go. No one to help. One twisted hand curled around the corner. She braced herself and waited for what was to come, wishing there was something to be done to put Him to rest. Slowly, the monsters great body came ambling towards her, stumbling as it did. She gave a sob, unable to move due to some unseen force. It was bigger than she could have ever imagined, more fearsome than she had thought... and uglier than was possible. It cast an eerie shadow over her and the barren room. There was a body around the corner, she could smell the blood and see the angelic blonde hair. She knew who it was. "Mum..." she sobbed but the monster didn't care. It roared as it neared her, one task in mind. As one scaly arm raised above her head – she woke up.

She sat on her bed, trying to keep out the sound of her parents shouts from the next room. She grasped her bear in her arms, telling herself more than it, that they'll be okay. Something smashed and someone screamed. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine that she was anywhere but the empty room that she found herself trapped in. She heard a slap and a frightening thump before the house was overcome with silence. She feared the silence more than the noise.

Then she heard Him approaching. It was too late to close her door and she was too petrified to try. There was nowhere to hide. He was coming for her. Her mother was hurt – when was she not? And there wasn't another house for miles. She had never felt so alone. Her breath came out in short gasps, not seeming to reach her lungs, and her body felt suddenly cold. She could hear His stumbling through the house, searching for her door. Then she saw his horrid, large hand curl around the door frame, grasping for something to steady himself. His other hand held a drink. A cry erupted from her throat but had no effect on His advance. She hadn't expected it to. She suddenly felt small, smaller than she could have imagined and weaker than she had ever witnessed. "Mummy!" she cried desperately. He gazed at her with cold, uncaring eyes and a smile on his cruel lips. He raised his calloused, bloodied hand, an empty bottle in his grip before bringing it down brutally – she didn't wake up.  


Ok so hi? If y'all remember me at all - I'm back!

i don't have much to say so... thank you guys so much for the 100 views! 

- DJay :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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