Strong like a diamond

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"I'm a diamond... that means you'll never break me... I-I'll be strong... strong like a diamond..." a horrible sob emitted from her throat, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I'm a diamond and-and you'll... never... break... me..." she fell to the ground on her two knees with her head in her hands. "I'm a diamond... I'm a diamond..." she muttered to herself as she felt her heart break into a million pieces.

He said nothing. What could he say? He didn't know what was so wrong... what caused her to act like this. "I..."

She looked up as if she just noticed his presence. She gave him a withering smile and sniffed. She wiped her bloodshot eyes with her sleeve. "Adelaide needs saving." She stood shakily and, biting her lip, ran from him. As she ran she transformed into her suit, shooting herself onto the roof of a nearby house. She'll save the city but... who'll save her?


Why hello there

I was gonna add that she has seen some shit... Superheros have the hardest job in the world. I think that I would quite like to be a superhero (or villain ;)) but it would be horrible if you think about it. You can't tell anyone who you really are... that means that if superhero you sees someone die they can't speak of it. I bet they see a lot of death. They save the world but sometimes that means forcing yourself to carry on when you just saw your best friend get shot so as to not alert anyone who you are, or holding back a scream when your brother or sister get exploded in a building, unable to do anything. The feeling of guilt, of not doing enough or not getting there quick enough, must be horrible. Yeah, sometimes I think I would love to be a superhero but then I think about this and I just... Who will save the saviour? 

(Yes that is Miraculous Ladybug, yes I am a teenager. Deal with it)

- DJay

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