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She may not have the prettiest face
Or the biggest house on earth
She may not have won societies race
But that doesn't prove her worth
Because she has by far the biggest heart
Inside that body that they deemed fat
And her kindness makes them think she's weak
And easy to laugh at
They tell her that she's ugly
That perhaps she must be blind
That the world only sees her as she is:
A girl with an empty mind
And to the world she may seem just that
As they judge her by her face
But when they fall she'll help them up
While society turns the other way
So yes her exterior is not the best
But how can the world not see
The love in her smile and the stars in her eyes
As she lives to fulfil her dreams
She doesn't worry about their words
And she let's them have their say
As they point out the flaws she's already accepted
And they whisper about her weight
But I still can't comprehend how nobody sees
That true beauty is being kind
As she smiles and loves and cares for a world
That surely must be blind

the echo of her thoughts (poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now