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You say the world has gone all dark
And the colours have lost their light
Every bright thing in your life
Has dulled to black and white
That's your excuse for ignoring the world
For hiding it from your sight
You ask whats the point of looking around
When all you see is night
But there's so much colour in the inbetween
There's colour in the greys and the black
You only fail to see the different shades
Because you've turned your back
The world is immersed in so many colours
We haven't got names for them all
Have you not seen the colour of Summer and Winter
Have you not seen the golden leaves fall.
There's so much glory in the depths of the earth
There's so much you never knew
And the only reason you fail to see this beauty
Is because you're hiding the world from your view

the echo of her thoughts (poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now