A/N: Thanks and goodbye

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Hi guys.
So for whoever actually read or will read this book, you may see that it is finished. This is the first book I've ever finished even though I'm not sure it actually counts...
But I'm proud to have completed it nonetheless. I haven't really posted authors notes or encouraged anyone to vote or comment because as I continued to jot down poetry for this book, I realised that I wasn't doing it for the likes (though they would be gladly appreciated 😄) the more I wrote the more it became clear that I was doing it because I needed an outlet. Even if I wasn't as eloquent as I would have liked. I really really enjoyed writing this and its really weird to end it now because this has been going on for over a year...?
However, I have got many many more poetry books lined up, as well as some non-peotry books, and I would love if you would check them out once they're published.

I'm not sure if I've ever said this but thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has read this book😘💜 I am eternally grateful.

Lots of love

the echo of her thoughts (poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now