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They all wished to be roses
Because it seemed the best thing to be
But I was told I was not good enough
For I was just a common weed

So they all plucked and pruned their petals
Attempting to grow thorns
And I flourished on my own terms
A simple dandelion on a lawn

They all tried so hard to be
What they were definitely not
Never noticing their unattended leaves
Begin to wilt and rot

In looks they succeeded it seems
And the fields of roses quickly grew
Roses appeared everywhere
Thinking life had let them through

I ruined the picture I was told
'Stood out' is what they said
But this did not bother me
I flourished even more instead

Because while everyone pretended to be something else
I grew quite happy to be a weed
For when they became common roses I became
The only dandelion in the breeze.

the echo of her thoughts (poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now