Chapter 17 {Y/N}

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      Komu comes into the room and stops at the door as I stand up.

      "It's time," he says.

It takes much effort to not tense. I give him a nod before moving to get the sword at the corner. Clenching the blade, I rigidly follow Komu out of the room.

I trail behind him through the long, quiet corridor. With every taken step, dread fights its way toward my mind and the silence of my vengeful trainer does nothing to soothe.

Nights passed as days passed, but the space stays constant. Eventually, the time for my demise would inevitably come to pass. If only simply passing is what it does.

As each training day passes, the more I feel the naturalness of the hilt of the sword in my hand. It gets lighter everytime as it gets easier to wield. And I hate it. But I have no choice but obey the immortal's demands. Unless I can figure something out. But I first have to get back.

Komu turns which leads us to a wider hall. Here, Utsuro's crew dot the whole place. Some turn to me disapprovingly while other simply ignore. They must've been informed. That a girl used to be associated with their enemy now mysteriously switched side and is going to be one of their superiors. But before that, she is to take a certain test before being qualified as the Naraku leader.

The thought makes me want to laugh. But laughing is the last thing I consider doing now.

We stop before a door and Komu proceeds to open it. As we enter, coldness brushes through my body, causing a shudder. The room is vast, stretching from the door to the far side of this place. Through the rows of glass windows, the twinkling lights of stars reflect in the glossy floor. Although the room is empty.

When my eyes travel to the far end of the room, my legs go still. At first glance, there seems to be no one else apart from me and Komu. But the eerie echoing of footsteps imply otherwise.

Utsuro walks to us from the opposite door and stops in the middle of the room. Komu told me that I'd be tested but never with who. I was naive to even think I could escape from this man's presence.

My trainer steps forward without a backward glance. "Master Utsuro," Komu starts. "I've brought her as you asked."

The immortal's empty eyes move from Komu to me. I mentally flinch at his gaze before forcing my legs to move.

     "I hear that you're improving at a commendable speed," Utsuro says when I stand beside Komu. I feel my tongue is frozen and can't find anything to say. "Well?" he prompts.

      "I don't know..." The vastness of this room almost swallows by voice. Komu gives me a reproachful look before turning back to his leader.

     "I believe women tend to be modest when praised," Utsuro says. "But modesty is not what's currently acquired of you, don't you think?"

I shrink at his towering height. This man needs not any pretty chitchat conversation, for an answer is what he wants and that's what he expects to receive.

     "Yes," I mutter.

A satisfied smile spreads across his face. "Well then, shall we get started?"

I nod, not knowing what would come next. From all my training with Komu, I can see that the immortal is really serious about this. And after all the time he spent for Komu to train a girl, who doesn't fully know the structure of a sword to know to wield it like it's nothing, he certainly won't like it if he learns that it was all in vain.

Utsuro steps aside to the window, leaving us clenching our weapons in the middle of this spacious surface. As if the silence is his signal, Komu turns to me, unsheathing his sword. I feel his eyes on me as I rigidly mimic his gesture.

Gintama; Takasugi X Reader (part 2) [Save Me]Where stories live. Discover now