Chapter 31 {Shizuka Senya}

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     The night falls down chilly and quick. With wind steadily blowing, I hastily broom the backyard of some dead leaves and twigs. Something about the chill makes me feel uncomfortable and every once awhile, I catch myself casting glances at Momo.

He casually sleeps at the corner near the garden, as if pleased by the constant breeze. I shiver at the chill and glance to the arising smoke in the distance. Somebody is probably having a big roasting feast there, which leaves me to wonder if I'm the only one who finds this night unsettling.

I sigh and walk to place back the broom. Momo stirs when I get closer to him, but doesn't bother to open his eyes. I smile at his cute features and softly pat him at the head before heading back in the house.

After washing myself up, I lay out my bed and get between the sheets, hoping to block out the chill. I pull the sheets over my head when feeling the wind just got stronger outside. And it's long before sleep finally takes me.



     "Senya!" The raised voice startles me as I spin about trying to find its owner.


I run forward as the voice grows alert and I immediately recognize that it's hers. My steps quicken and something bright shimmers in the dark ahead of me. And I hear her voice, coming from that direction.


The shimmering, warmth light transform into a fierce, unforgiving, engulfing flames as they lick at Y/N's trembling form. Her wide, terrified eyes frantically find mine as she struggles to escape from the fire around her.

     "Senya! Help me!"

I try to run toward her, wanting to pull her straight out but my out-stretched hand never reaches her. I try harder, run faster to her, but the fire around her spreads bigger and hotter. I can feel my skin burning.

     "Y/N! Hold on-" I stop as something cold grabs my legs and stops me cold. I look down and see nothing yet my body won't move as I say. Like an invincible snake coiling around my body and I can't breathe.

Before me, I hear Y/N screams my name one last time before her voice is washed away as the vicious red-orange flames overwhelm her whole.


My eyes snaps open and the sight around me leaves me stare in horror. I jerk up straight and flip around my home to find it burning. The flames lick at every corner, every wall as it slowly eats away the wooden structure.

I shriek when a small log from the ceiling falls some paces from me. Outside, I hear Momo barking furiously, and I dash to the still intact door and push it open when the screen paper takes no more than a second to burn with the rest.

Momo jumps up onto the house while my skin burns at the fire from outside. A rush of breeze carries the smoke into my lungs and knocks my shallow breath away.

What is going on?

The inferno forms a wall so high I can't see beyond the backyard. Not wasting anymore time, I flip around and avoid the spreading flames as I attempt to make my way out, Momo ahead of me.

I stare wildly at my now crumbling home, not believing what I'm seeing. Everything in here burns nothing, leaving no trace of what's what. The front screened door already blazed into nothing, the view of the night beyond visible. I urge Momo to run ahead when I trail behind stepping over a piece of burning wood from the ceiling. The air in the room thickens with smoke causing me to cough and unable to see clear. A wall of inferno burns across my face and I back away before it eats the place I was at.

Just as when I almost reach the door, the ceiling completely dislodges from the walls and without any delay, the entire building comes crumbling down.

Gintama; Takasugi X Reader (part 2) [Save Me]Where stories live. Discover now