Part 12: lots of medical phrases

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"Get her an IV!" There's a noise of someone rummaging through a bag. "Todd! Where's my bag valve mask?!"
These are a few of the voices I barley hear. It was blurry, and there was a flashlight shining into my eyes.
"Pupils are normal but take no chances!" I blink and look around to see people, no paramedics scuffling around.
  After whoever Todd was, took his sweet time getting me a CPAP mask, I could hear myself breathing steadily.
I feel myself removing very quickly, on a board as they wheel me into the red lighty thing... Wait that's an ambulance and I'm on a trauma board. My head hurt it was hard to think so anything I saw took me a minute to focus.
I look up at the EGC monitor and all my medical class terminology comes pouring back.
"Sweetie, what's your name?" The parametric who'd shouted for the Todd guy asks calmly as they placed me into the ambulance.
"D-Delilah Jones..." my voice was shaky and it hurt to talk.
"Alright Delilah well you'll be fine."
She'd rehearsed this I could tell. There was no sense of worry in her eyes, but to be a paramedic you'd have to know how to talk to people. The only problem was I still had no clue what exactly had happened to me.
"Why am I here?" I ask but she shushes me. "Your esophagus is in critical condition, you shouldn't talk right now."
  I listen and once we reach the hospital I'd realized I'd blacked out several times because the trip was very quick.
They run quickly to the ER.  I see the medical team of nurses and the doctor race to mommy side.
  The parametric lady left and I felt like I'd lost a friend.
I can barley hear what they are saying. It sounded like gibberish. Soon I felt the effects of anesthesia, it was peaceful then I see the bright light and nurses above me disappear and I sleep.
I jolt to the feeling of my skin ripping apart. Oh no that's just the nurse ripping the surgical suction cups off my chest.
Sitting up and gasping I allow her to calm me down.
"Do you have any idea what happened to you Tuesday?" "Today's Tuesday isn't it?"
She shakes her head "No hon it's been a week."
I sit back a little speechless. She smiles "You're doing well though, your surgery went well, I'll leave the doctor to explain."
She leaves and I look around at other hospital beds with curtains around them. Others who haven't got up yet.
The doctor in his lab coat walks in and smiles "Delilah, you're doing well. I'm doctor James, Hargave and you are very lucky."
"What?" "You don't remember, well that's expected. You took quite a blow to your head."
I frown "When? How?" He nods "Tuesday at your house, you were purging. You're esophagus lining was burning because of acid, you fell and hit you're head on your way to your room."
I nod "My esophagus feels fine now." "That's because of the pain killers and surgery we had to do."
I soak it all in "This is all because of my purging?" He nods.
I need help,
"You need help..."Ha! "You can't possibly keep going like this," I sigh "I'm arranged to stay with my mother soon, she and my specialist have formed a plan to help me."
He shakes his head "You've got to change your attitude when it comes to bulimia that's all there is to it. You have to stop thinking the way you do."
I can't though...
The doctor sees it not listening and makes a face. I Probably insulted his Diploma on his office wall but I don't care.
"You don't understand sir, it's really hard." "I know but you almost died, if you want to keep living then you have to change."
I grip my sheet hard and feel the fear I'm hiding send pains in my chest.
He tells a nurse to wheel me out and I see my father along with mom, grandma and papa, then  Nathan.
I sit in shock  and see Nathan in tears. "You idiot!" He yells and runs throwing his arms around me. "You almost died!" The nurse looked surprised and shushed him so he wouldn't disturbed anyone.
"Don't you ever I mean ever scare me like that again Dee....that is a line I never want crossed again!" He speaks a little quieter.
My eyes widen and I sigh. "S-sorry Nathan. " my father steps up and sighs with a few tears shed too.
I see my mother checking her lip balm and my grandparents both stare in amazement.
"Got you a keeper huh?" My papa teases. "Wait-" "yes sir! And I promise I won't let her do this again..."
he smiles and I felt my heart melt, he was so cute when he acted like that.
"I'm so glad you're okay." He smiles and holds my hands.
I nod slowly, thinking about it I never knew how much he cared. He's shed so many tears for me...I can't die...
They wheel me out and I stand perfectly fine as Nathan and my father help me up.
They all walk to the van where I assume they piled into.
On the way back I watch the cold rain fall and drip across the window. It felt so fast. So odd.
"Delilah, don't purge again, I know I say it a lot but If you ever do it again....I couldn't forgive you." Nathan says firmly and holding my hand grips it tight.
I nod slowly. "I won't..." it felt so weird, but for Nathan's sake and mine I had to change.
"I've been telling myself I stop for a while now but...if it hurts you as much as it does then I will....because I can't die knowing you're living like that." I point to him. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was scruffy and he had stubble.
"I know it is hard for you Dee....even if I've never had the problem...but if I have to call every night and take you home from school each day I will..."
"About that..." I frown "Next year..I'm..." he looked nervous
"I'll be home schooled..."
He gasped slightly. And leans back. "I won't see you then?" I shake my head "not at school but there's always-"
"Then I'll visit you! Everyday I'll come over to help you study and make you food and  make sure you're okay! You can't say you have no one! You won't be alone because I'll be there! "
I smile "Nathan you don't-" "I do, because that's how much I need you in my life. "
I smile as hot tears roll down my face. " thank you"
Authors note: cue the piano playing softly in the background, that was like a drama movie or a cliche manga moment. Plz comment and vote! I'll be back with more soon!

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