Everyone's Hatable.

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Just so you don't get confused, Izzy's P.O.V will be written by me aka Izza. And Ashley's P.O.V will be written by Mona aka my friend :)





"Ugh, I hate that lady!" Izzy said just as we sat down to eat.

I rolled my eyes.

"You hate everyone."

"Because everyone is hatable!" she concluded and I chuckled to myself.

Izzy is my bestfriend and yes I know she's mean and stubborn, basically a bad girl, but she and I get along very well, surprisingly. On the other hand I am the complete opposite. I'm like the innocent one. Izzy might be bad on the outside but she's very sweet in the inside. She has thin legs and a very nice body. She has dark brown fluffy hair but I'm a blonde. I'm not as thin as her and thats one of the reasons I'm so insecure.

I was just staring at the food infront of me, deciding whether or not I should eat.

"Well? Are you gonna eat or just stare at your food like a lunatic?" She said annoyed.

"Umm.." I said not sure of what to say.

"Alright, tell me whats up!" She said eager to know what I had in mind.

" I'll gain weight if I eat.." I mumbled.

"Oh dear, Not this again. Look, you are not fat okay? Infact you look all boney and if you don't eat you'll turn into a skeleton!" She said seriously.

I thought she was joking. But looking at her expression, she was dead serious. Not wanting to upset her any further, I started to eat.

"Thank you," I said in an over exageratting tone and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You're not welcome," She grinned and stuck out her tounge.

Just then the bell rang signalling it was time for class.

I quickly stood up and went to my locker while Izzy was busy shoving potatoes in her mouth. The little tattoo on her arm flexing as she did so.

It was time for English class. I love that period.

We were walking to class when Izzy spoke.

" I Hate this class! We already know English! Why the hell would we use inverted commas?" She whined.

" You use it when you write stories, " I rolled my eyes.

"Only nerds write stories!" She said.

"Oh really, so you're saying that Steve Hawson is a nerd?" I knew insulting her favourite author would shut her up. And what do you know, it worked.

When we arrived in class we took our seats and then Sir. Houston started teaching his 'boring and sleepable' lesson, according to Izzy.

During the lesson I saw Izzy texting someone while a boy was doing her work. Every single person in this school listens to her except me. And I had a feeling that it won't stay this way for long.


Sooo? Watcha think?? xD

First fanfic :p

Don't blame me cuz i love reading fanfics more than writing fanfics.

The chapters will gradually get better and longer so don't give up please!

Hehe. So comment , vote , fan , and read xD

- Mona Xx

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