Momskin lied.

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Okay so my mom didn't take me to a skin doctor. No surprise there.

But what she did do is ruin my life.. by taking me to school. To school.

"Don't let your facial flaws interrupt your studies!" she said.

"It'll be alright, no one will even notice," she said.

But no, the odds were against me today and what do you know, I was standing in the cafeteria clenching my tray in my hands with the whole student body staring at my flawed face.

You were wrong mom..

"Izzy, I got your call but you still shouldn't have missed my cl- oh." My teacher came zooming passed and was added to the astonished audience.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke.

"Okay I'll let you go for now, but this shouldn't happen again," she said after regaining her posture.

"Uh.." she cleared her throat and clapped her hands turning to face the kids.

" What are you lot looking at? Everyone back to eating, now!" and with that, everyone resumed eating their lunch.

But it didn't stop there. As I was walking towards the popular kids' table I got called "Zitty" and "Zit girl" several times by some jerks who shut up after I gave them my infamous glare.

As I set my tray down, I knew I had eyes on me but I couldn't care less.

"Izzy!" Perrie hissed but I ignored her.

"Izzy!" she hissed for the second time and it was like she pulled the last straw when I slammed my fork on the table and lifted my head to look at her.

"What?" I spat.

"What is this?"

"Why? Haven't you ever seen a zit before?"

"Well, I have but never on my face." Bullsh*t. That's what she is made of. Bullsh*t.

"Right.." I rolled my eyes and she smirked.

"Last chance. If you embarrass us again like this, you're not welcome on this table again," she finished and I was about to smack her and remind her that they're nothing without me but the bell rang for her rescue.

The six of them got up simultaneously and walked out of the cafeteria like they mean sh*t.

I scoffed and threw my half eaten lunch in the dustbin before walking to my next class.

For the sake of my reputation, I never admitted it but I actually liked Music Class. It was my favourite period. But no one has to know that.

Walking into the dimly lit room I breathed a sigh of relief when I remembered that the brats weren't in this class.

It was just me, Ashley, a few other kids and the lovely instruments.

"Okay, good morning class. Pick up your instruments and prepare for your test which hopefully all of you remembered. I'll give you five minutes." Oh and the sir too.

Everyone started to shuffle across the large room to pick their favourite instrument and I too made my way to my keyboard.

Just as I was about to pick it up, a voice intervened.

"Hey," I turned to face my best friend.

"Oh hey Ashley."

"I didn't see you in the cafeteria today. Where were you? And weren't you supposed to bunk school today?"

"You didn't see me? Weird, everyone else did. I was sitting with Perrie today, I already got ridiculed for this zit, didn't want my reputation to drop down to a lower level by sitting with the losers. And yeah, my mom forced me to."

She rolled her eyes.

"Sitting with the losers? Ouch."

"You know I don't mean that, Ash. You're not a loser. Though your friends are," I said and she chuckled to herself.

I turned back around just as she said "I know" and almost screamed, again.

My keyboard. Someone took my keyboard.

I hastily scanned the large room, ignoring the dorks playing the triangle and the seniors chewing gum while playing the guitar. Ashley was out of sight and the sir was sitting at his desk superwising the class. I searched and searched until I found a guy with a quiff sitting in the corner with his hands on my keyboard.

Oh I'll give him something to super wise.

"Hey you!" Everyone's attention turned towards me as I stomped over to the dark haired boy.

As I moved up closer, I could make out the light scruff on his face until I was right in front of him.

"Hey, that's my keyboard!"

He ignored me.

"Hey-" I tried to say again but he cut me off.

"I don't see your name written on it, princess," his name for me caught me off guard and I was left staring at him and his intense glare.

"Well then you're obviously blind. I see my name written all over it," I fired back. Attempting to snatch it from him, I gripped onto the sides and pulled with all my force but his stupid muscles were too strong for me.

Ignoring the smug look on his face, I leaned closer and lowered my voice.

"Listen here you little sucker, you don't know who you're dealing with. I own this place. Everyone listens to me and there will certainly be no exception for you. Got it?" I said all in one breath and waited for him to say something.

He opened his mouth to say something but the sir interrupted him.

"What is going on here? Izzy the test is about to start so go pick an instrument. And you, new boy. What's your name?"

"My name's Zayn." He said.


And heeeres Chapter 4! I tried to make it longer so I hope you liked it :p


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