Stealing CD's

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Thanking Niall yesterday was probably the hardest and most embarrassing thing I ever had to do. I'm not really religious but I'm praying that no one from school saw us over there.

Stealing the security camera's CD sounds like a good idea..

"Izzy, you're home! How was school yesterday?" My mother chirped almost immediately after I entered my house.

"My wha- oh right.. school. It was, good I guess."

I said not making eye contact. I can lie to my friends, classmates, teachers and anyone other than my mother and Ashley. It's impossible to lie in front of her and have her not find out. And if she found out, she would flip.

So the first thing I did after those words left my mouth, I ran upstairs without a second glance.

"Wait!" I stopped on the 17th step and bit my lip. Shit.

My heart beat increased as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Shit, shit shit. She found out, I'm such an idiot how did I think I would ever get away with th-

"Aren't you going to eat lunch?"


"Get out, Get out, get out of the bed! And make me some dinner instead! I don't, I don't know what I want but I need some food, to energize myself!" a sleepy groan left my lips as the horrid voice awoke me from my peaceful slumber.

"Get out get-"

"Stop! Stop! I'm up!" I sat upright and felt my head go dizzy as I covered my ears. An amused chuckle sounded and I could make that out as Ashley's voice.

Of course it is.

I shuffled my feet into my comfy slippers while scratching my arm, but the laughing didn't stop.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked groggily and yawned.

"Your hair! It's a mess!" she tried to stifle a laugh but failed miserably.

Looking in the mirror, my hair was indeed a mess. And so was everything else. My hand reached up to my wild hair and I tried to tame them when a heard the click of a camera.

I rolled my eyes at the giggling girl and stretched my arms.

"What time is it?"

"Aren't you going to ask why I'm here first?" she said while sitting cross legged on the bed, eyes glued to her phone.

"No, you're always here. Now tell me the time."

"6:34. And for your information, I do have a reason to why I came here," she answered with a glint of excitement in her eyes. Its obvious we're going somewhere. And knowing Ashley, she'd probably take me to visit Grandma and Dad, or we're going to an animal rights protest.

"No," I said and threw some clothes on, wiping some smudged mascara under my eyes.

"But I didn't even-"

"We are not going to visit my dad and grandma, Ashley," what idiots would come together to protest at dinner time, so the only option for her left was this.

"Come on Izzy! You haven't visited them in months and I miss your Grandmother's cooking," she pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"They love you very much Izzy and no divorce or r-"

"Don't say it." I snapped and she paused in the middle of her sentence. The last thing I need right now is an emotional breakdown.

"-and nothing can change that. Plus, your mom's away so this is a perfect chance!" She rephrased her sentence and I sighed.

"Didn't you want dinner?" I changed the topic and received a hard glare from the girl starting to make her way to the door.

"I hate you for using my weakness against me! This conversation is not over!" I heard her say as she descended down the steps and I followed after her.

"I don't think we have enough supplies for dinner," I remembered as I sat down on the dining table and watched Ashley shuffle through the fridge.

"You're mom said there is some frozen soup somewhere here," she muttered and yelled something in victory as she grabbed the blue box and set it up for the microwave.

I rolled my eyes.

"Soup as dinner?" I groaned like a child but she ignored me, frowning at her phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Perrie's having a party tonight," she muttered with her eyebrows ceased. A party? Hell yeah!

"We're going." I said suddenly while standing up and looking at her with pleading eyes despite my demanding tone.

She looked from me to her phone then to me again, her eyes widening.

"Oh no. We're no-"

"Ashley please please please please. I swear I won't get shit faced too much and I'll try not to bring a guy home. Please, I'm so bored and we haven't been to a party in so long!" I begged. I really needed to have a kickback and enjoy myself for a change.

She gave me a disapproving look and I sighed.

"I know tomorrow is really important because we will be given our projects and stuff but we'll come home before two and... we'll go visit my grandma tomorrow," I promised. And she grinned while jogging up the stairs.


"Have you got your phone?"






"...and just in case, protection?"

I chuckled at my best friend in the drivers seat.

"Yes mom. Now can you start the car?"

The car roared to life and she backed out of the driveway and on to the main road.

Ashley and I wore similar dresses, since both of them were mine.

She a beautiful beige one and I a hot pink one.

Since I didn't have a drivers license, she was driving and took the responsibility on herself to not drink and make sure I get home safely as her mother instructed. But she would have done that even without instructions.

The car pulled into a familiar driveway and I was the first one to jump out. We decided to ditch each other tonight and let loose. Perhaps make new friends.

But I had my eyes on one person only.

The music pumped in my ears and my stomach vibrated with the beat, as did my feet.

I scurried over to a surprisingly bulky guy in a white T-shirt and ripped black jeans in the far corner, chatting with a group of guys.

I adjusted my dress before tapping him on the shoulder. He spun around and I smiled widely as his eyes landed on my face.

"Hi Niall."

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