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  Good way to start,huh? After being so inactive and what seems dead.
    Shut up. Get to the point.
  I am. Anyway. I'm not dead. I'm still alive. Just have had a lot going on, ya know?
    No one cares.
Yeah, I kinda know that. But. Someone might. Anyway! It's 3:24 am currently. And of course I can't sleep. I've tried. I've even tried just listening to music because that tends to help. But not tonight.
    Get to the point!!
  Ugh okay. Well guys. I'm starting to become more comfortable with who and how I am. Still getting there. Slowly but surely.
    Hm. Okay I'll say it. You're genderfluid.
  I WAS GETTING THERE! Anyway. Yes. On my guy days, call me Danni. Like I said, I'm working to be myself.
    Pronouns? You frickin idiot.
  DUDE, I know! Anyway. If you aren't sure just use they/them. Because I'll try to put on my message board if it's Danni or Chelsey that day. But knowing me I'll forget. So whatever. Anyway.
    Why are you still reading this trash? Anyway. Goodnight. Or.. Goodmorning. Whichever.

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