chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Lunar Nordell and I’m fourteen years old. I always wondered why I am here. Why must I feel so empty at times? Living in a family of four should make me feel happy because I have people by my side, but life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. Other than my parents I had a twin sister name Sun. She was the only thing that mattered to me at the time and it wasn’t because she had such feeble heart that she can die from pushing her body too hard. Sun was my complete opposite. She would laugh and play while I would stay quiet and to myself. She was someone I wanted to protect, I wanted to keep her smiling, but I was hurting her in the process. You see, my parents didn’t treat me as well as they should have treated a child and because of that I made her worried. I made her scared. I made her think that when she’s gone what will become of me. I was incomplete, but for me to be the best I can. First I must be broken and that’s what had happened. This is how it all started.

Well today I’m starting high school. The high school I’m going to is Fujioka Academy and Sun is attending it too. It’s just five blocks away from my house. So I guess I should start the day and go down stairs to breakfast. “Good morning mom and dad,” I said with not even a small on my face, despite the fact that toady’s a special day for all new freshmen like myself. “Good morning Lunar,” my mom said with a smile that looked like she didn’t mean it. Then Sun came running down the stairs. “Morning mom, dad, and you too Lunar,” Sun said with a bright smile. “Sun you know you shouldn’t run down the stairs you can get hurt,” mom said then gave Sun a kiss on her forehead like she does every morning. “I’m not a little kid anymore,” Sun said while pouting. “Okay sweetie, now come eat breakfast,” mom said. Then dad got up and kissed mom and Sun on their foreheads. “Well I’m off to work, have a nice first day in high school Sun,” dad said. He folded his newspaper and stood up to leave. “Wait a second, how can you only kiss me and mom and not Lunar,” Sun asked at dad in frustration. Sun was the type of person who likes equality and fairness, but for matters like this I couldn’t care less. “Sun it’s all right, it’s no big deal,” I said making sure I don’t make eye contact knowing the fact that she did all of this just for me. This is something I’m used to, so I never take it to heart. “You see your sister is okay with it and I’m running late right now so good bye,” dad said then left. Minutes later, Sun washed her breakfast dishes and put on her shoes. “Okay I’m off now,” she said. “Ah, wait I’ll just put on my shoes and I’ll be ready,” I told her. Sun went out the door to wait for me and I went after her, but I was in such a hurry I think I didn’t tie my shoes properly.

“Hey Lunar, aren’t you excited that we are going to high school. I can’t wait until they do this thing called a cultural festival. I looked it up and they seem to have gotten it from the Japanese and that we are the only school that is doing this,” Sun said with a lot of energy. “Oh yeah, I can’t wait,” I said with a low voice. “Hey I hope you make some friends this year, I’m really worried about you. Besides that, do you have any goals this school year? Mine is to have some type of love story,” she said with a bright smile. A smile crept its way up my face. It’s nice to know that Sun has the energy to talk and be all around places. “Is that so? Well I hope that your love story works out,” I said and laughed. “Hey! Besides that, what are your goals,” she asked me with concern and curiosity written all over her face. “Oh nothing really,” I said looking away not really knowing the answer myself, but it really wouldn’t matter, I guess. For a little while it was really silent and then I noticed that my shoe laces were untied. I stopped to tie them and Sun stopped too. “Oh, you don’t need to wait for me, I’ll catch up,” I said with a smile. She nodded her head and kept on walking. Once I got up I saw Sun crossing the street not so far from where I was at, so I started to walk towards her. Then I saw a car coming and Sun didn’t notice it. The car was coming quite fast for a neighborhood with an average speed limit. “Sun watch out,” I yelled out to the top of my lungs. She turned around and saw me and told me to hurry up. The car was getting closer and Sun stopped in the middle of the street to wait for me, so I started to run after her knowing she might not move until I get there. Next thing I know, I tackled Sun to the ground using my body as a shield while the car hit us. I heard a great SCREECH and listened as the sound of the engine goes farther and farther away. While lying on the pavement next to Sun I was bleeding from my head, but I didn’t care; all I wanted to do was to see if Sun was all right. Sun was shaking and her eyes were close, but she was still crying. Luckily, she was all right not one single scratch on her. My vision started to become blurry and I just couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. All I could do was listening to the crowd that was forming around us.

“Poor girl she just threw herself over that girl to save her from that speeding car.” “Hey someone call an ambulance!”  “Did anyone get that car’s license plate?” “I did.” ” Oh good they’re here.”


“Lunar. Lunar wake up.” My head it’s pounding. I hear someone calling my name. Is it Sun? If not, I don’t know who else it could be. “That’s it Lunar keep on trying to open your eyes,” Sun said while I was squinting at her. When I was able to see Sun clearly and my head was clear I tried to sit up, but Sun pushed me right back down. “The doctor told me not to let you get up too soon once you wake up,” Sun said trying to make a brave face even though I can tell she’s been crying. “Is that so? Hey you cut your knee,” I said in confusion because I thought there wasn’t a single scratch on her. “Yeah, it stings a little, but the good news is that you are all right. Anyway the doctor is talking to mom and dad right now,” Sun told me.

Soon mom and dad came in the room running to Sun. “Oh, my dear Sun I’m so glad that you’re okay. I was worried sick about you when I got the call,” mom said crying. “Sun you don’t have to go to school until you start feeling better, okay,” dad told her. Sun wouldn’t look mom and dad in the eyes and I could see frustration all over her face. She’s mad, I thought the obvious. “Shut up,” she said in a low voice. “What did you say dear,” mom asked with a smile. “All of you shut up. Lunar is the one with the big injury, not me, I just have a small cut on my knee. Lunar had to get stiches on her head for crying out loud! Why do you always act this way!? You guys treat Lunar as if she was nothing. I hate the both of you for that,” Sun screamed while crying right before she ran out the room. Mom started to cry because of the outburst, but then dad calmed her down. Soon mom left the room to find Sun.

SLAP! With my left cheek stinging like crazy I stared at the window as if nothing happened while dad yelled at me. “How dare you make your mother cry, you useless little brat and you also put so much rubbish in your sisters head. What did you do to make her say such things huh, did you threaten her or maybe you stole something of hers? Answer me Lunar,” dad yelled. I kept my mouth shut and blocked out the noise, but for him to act this way I wonder what else is he feeling other than anger, but then again I shouldn’t care. If it’s grief of worse, he doesn’t deserve anything from me. Not that I could give him anything, anyway.

When I looked at my reflection from the window I saw the misery in my eyes. It was so easy to see it, almost like reading an open book. I wonder if this is what Sun sees all the wonder she worries.  Before I noticed dad was already gone.

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