chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Today is my first day of school after what happened with Sun. I’m sort of scared to walk in the classroom, but there is no one holding me back from being myself now that I don’t have Sun around to worry about me. I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom. The class flew silent. I could feel the eyes that followed my every move and I could hear the nasty rumors that my classmates are whispering. I sat down at my seat just to find horrible words on my desk.


Lies, those are just lies. They don’t know a thing. I know that, but I can’t stop shaking. Lunar when did you become so weak; stuff like this shouldn’t affect you. I can do this, this is nothing. I took a deep breath and just covered those horrible words with my notebook. I stared at the window most of class time and didn’t even want to get some help from Michael. When class was over and lunch started I went into the bathroom to wash my hands. There were two girls there and they were staring me down. I was lucky that looks can’t kill or I would have been dead from the start. Then I went back to my classroom to eat my lunch, but when I opened the door. Whoosh. Two boys dumped the garbage bins on me. “Oh look, I made the murder more pretty. Now you don’t need to kill other pretty girls out of jealousy,” one of the boys said. Then everybody started to laugh. For some reason his words pierced me like knives. I looked at Michael who was staring with his friends, but then he just ignored me as if nothing happened and gave me the cold shoulder. Since I still had what was left of my pride and dignity I sat down at my desk and began to eat my lunch. Then Dillon came. “Oh my, looks like someone needs a bath,” she said. I ignored her and looked out the window. “I heard that you moved into the girl’s dormitory yesterday. Now we can have fun together day and night,” she continued. “Are you going to answer me or what?  Don’t act high and mighty now that you were able to kill your little sister.” SLAP! I smacked her because she pushed my last buttons. Why do they all think that I killed Sun. “How dare you hit Dillon, not even her own parents would hit her,” May shrieked. Dillon didn’t say a word because she was in too much of a shock, so I took it upon myself to leave. I went to the roof not really caring where I go. The sun was shining bright and I couldn’t help, but think about Sun. I wonder if Sun would be mad at me for slapping Dillon. There was some flight of stairs that I saw that took you to a higher point of the roof, so I climbed it. So much has happened today. I think I’ll just take a little rest. The clouds were the last thing I saw before I dosed off.


“Lunar, Lunar are you here?” What’s that irritating noise? Wow it’s sunny. “Lunar.” “Who’s calling my name,” I yelled when I stood my head at the side of the higher part of the roof. “Oh Lunar I was looking all over for you.” It’s Zack! “Why were you looking for me,” I said with suspicion while I was walking towards him. “Well class ended and I thought that I should bring you your bag,” he said with a mellow smile. I don’t know why, but for some reason he reminds me of Sun. “Um, thanks Zack you didn’t have to, really,” I said with a smile that I would usually give Sun. “Today what you did in class to Dillon was amazing. She got what she deserves,” he told me. “Are you really sure? I thought what I did was a bit harsh,” I told him. “Nah, she’s a total witch, but the people in this school are blinded by her looks, grades and fake personality,” he finished. “Ha ha ha, is that what you really think about her,” I said while trying to catch my breath. We talked until night fell upon us and Zack had to walk me to the dorms. “I wonder if she’ll ever get caught in her deception,” Zack said. “I know right and Dillon when she yells she looks like a mad dog barking,” I said while we walked down the halls in the dormitory. “Well I guess our journey here is over,” Zack said when we reached my door. “Yeah, it was fun while it lasted,” I said feeling a little bit sad. Is this friendship going to end here? It was really fun. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow and save a seat for me at lunch okay,” Zack said then left. When I went in my room I jumped face down into my bed. I don’t know why, but I’m all flustered and stuff. It’s just like the same feeling of warmth that Sun gives off. “I can’t wait until tomorrow,” I screamed into my pillow.   

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