chapter 13

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Chapter 13


            School just ended and I’m beat. Since my locker was too small I had to carry my bag of clothes all around the campus. Now I’m returning the books I don’t need to my locker. “Do you need a hand,” Dante asked. “Thanks,” I said. Dante took my stuff and I closed my locker. “Are we going to take the car home,” I asked him. “Yep, it’s out in the front,” Dante said. I looked around and couldn’t see Michael. “Where’s Michael,” I asked. “Oh, ever since you left he leaves school early and is never home,” Dante said. He looked annoyed. I went in the car and saw Kaitlin. She looked the same as always, but her personality changed or should I say revealed its true colors. Ever since I moved out Kaitlin started to act rude and hang out with Dillon. Not surprisingly, she still acts an angel in school.  “Ugh, it’s bad enough that we have you, but now her too,” she complained. “Shut up,” Dante said. Dante seems different somehow; I wonder what goes on at the house when I’m not there.


            When I opened the door I was ambush by mini trolls; it reminded me of the first time I came here. “I can’t breathe,” I squealed. Mitchel, Mike, and Michelle finally let go of me. I saw tears in Michelle’s eyes. “Michelle,” I whispered. She instantly whipped them away. “Why the hell are you saying my name like that,” she said. “Hey who taught you how to talk like that,” I said giving her a knuckle sandwich. “Sorry, it’s from arguing with Kaitlin all the time,” Michelle said as her face softened. “Kaitlin fooled us all,” Mike said averting his eyes. “We really missed you,” Mitchel said with water in his eyes. What happened ever since I left for Mitchel to cry, Michelle to grow weak, and for a frown to appear on Mike’s face? I wrapped my arms around the kids. They were shaking because I really missed them and who knows when I’ll get another chance to be with them. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. “You should wash up,” Sarah said with a soft heartfelt smile.


            When I finish settling down I went down stairs to the living room. Slap! “What the hell are you doing with my stuff,” Kaitlin shouted at Michele. “I just wanted to color in my book,” Michelle said while bullets of tears run down her face. “This book,” Kaitlin said picking the book up. She raised the hand that held the book. She wouldn’t. Sarah popped out of nowhere and threw herself over Michelle allowing the book to hit her. There was a scratch on her face. “My lady, may I send Michelle to her room now,” Sarah said. “Don’t ‘my lady’ me; it’s obvious that you don’t like me. Either way, why protect the little brat anyway, I mean shouldn’t you be worrying about saving your own skin. Wait until uncle finds out that one of the maids he hired isn’t doing their work at all; he’ll surely kick you out,” Kaitlin said. “Please leave,” Sarah said to Michelle. Michelle started to walk away, but Kaitlin grabbed her by the elbow. “I’m not done with her yet,” she said. “Leave her alone,” Sarah yelled. Slap! Sarah stumbled backwards. “Don’t forget your place. You’re nothing, but a low class maid,” Kaitlin said in a crooked voice. Move. “Pack your bags and get out,” Kaitlin finished. Why are you just standing there? I never saw Sarah look so defeated and Michelle she’s shaking. Is Mr. Young like this too? “Why are you still standing there,” Kaitlin said picking up a small lamp. “Get the hell out of here,” she yelled raising her arm.

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