chapter 20

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Chapter 20


It’s the last week of summer and I have to say summer wasn’t all that fun. Rose, Dante, Michael and I went on a couple of double dates, but that was it. Michael got himself a job, and I hardly see Rose and Dante. I’m on my way to Rose’s house; in fact I just arrived at the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. Rose opened the door and she was surprise to see me. She closed the door behind herself and talked to me outside. “Lunar, I didn’t know you were coming over here,” she said. “Yeah I wanted to visit you and see if you need any help with left over homework,” I told her. I reached for the door handle, but Rose grabbed my hand. “You can’t come in,” she said raising her voice. “Is there something wrong,” I asked concerned. The side window opened and Dante stuck his head out. “Should I pack your stuff animals with your toys or in the ‘do not touch’ box,” Dante asked Rose. When he looked at me he showed an expression as if he said something he shouldn’t have. I replayed what he said in my mind until I realized. “You’re moving,” I asked Rose with hope that I’m wrong. Dante opened the door and stood behind Rose. She slowly nodded her head. “So is it in a different borough,” I asked her, “I don’t mind if I have to take a bus to get here.” While I talked all Rose did was look down and shake her head. “Where,” I asked in a hoarse voice. “California,” she answered in almost a whisper. “My dad gotten a better job and he’s taking the whole family.” There was a thin sheet of sadness in me, but under that was pain which soon led to anger. “When,” I asked, “when did you find out about this?” Rose wouldn’t look me in the eyes. “After school ended.” Hot tears started to run down my face. A bitter taste formed inside my mouth. “How come Dante knew before me,” I asked. “Her dad is working under my dad’s company, so I was informed by him,” Dante answered for her. I sat down on the steps. I needed to calm down. Dante sits down next to me and puts his hand on mine. “There’s more,” he said, “the reason why I’m here is because I promised my dad to do well in school. I didn’t do so good, so I have to go back home.” And just like that they left a bomb on me.


The next day I’ here in the same spot on the steps. The sun is setting and the delivery men are loading Rose’s stuff into the truck. Dante is with her. His dad wanted him to come home with Rose’s dad. Michael sits right beside me. “Why aren’t you saying anything,” he asked. I shook my head. “Shouldn’t you be mad at me right now,” Michael yelled. I put my head on his shoulder. “You didn’t tell me that they were leaving when you knew,” I said, “I’m not mad. I can’t be on a day like this, but even if I was, I would still know that you didn’t tell me because you had a good reason.” “But you don’t know what that reason is,” he said. “I don’t need to know,” I said and stood up. It’s time to say good bye, again. I walked up towards Rose. She hugged me right away. “I’m sorry,” she cried. I stoke her hair with my right hand. “Don’t worry.” She pulled back and looked at me and I hold her gaze. “You’re in good hands anyway.” Dante walked towards us. “Your mom wants you,” he tells Rose. She left and it was just me and Dante. “So this is good bye, huh,” he says. “Yeah,” I sighed. “Did you say good bye to Michael yet?” He nodded his head. I wander if Dante is feeling sad right now. I mean for a person who talks a lot to stay quiet, just isn’t right. The car’s horn was hunk signaling Dante that it’s time to leave. He showed me a reassuring smile then ran to the car. In just moments there were all gone.


Two weeks, it’s been two weeks since school started and I’m all alone again. Michael sleeps in class all the time since he’s been working late again. I wonder how life is for Dante and Rose.

I close my locker and started to walk home, but then Michael stopped me. “You really seemed out of it lately,” Michael said to me. I didn’t respond. “Come, I know a place that’ll cheer you up.” He pulled my arm and ran to the car. He seemed excited and I couldn’t help but feel excited too. We arrived at some two story building. There was a sign and it said “The Sunlight Boarding House.” Sun, I thought.

I walked into the building with Michael behind me. Other than the name, what’s good about a building? The rooms actually look nice, but why would Michael buy a building like this unless he finally found the place he wanted. It really is big enough for Michelle and the rest. I turned the hallway and saw a room that really caught my eye. There was a twin bed, but the bottom part was a chair and desk. The room was midnight blue with white and yellow stars all around. “I thought you’ll like it,” Michael said from behind. I nod my head. “It is yours.” I turned around and looked him in the eyes. “Really,” I asked him and he nodded his head. I ran to the bed and lied down. The ceiling was higher than I thought. Michael walked towards the closet. “I also have something else.” I watched him open the door. “How’s it going,” said a familiar voice.

Two shadows came from the closet. Tears started to run down my face. I got up and hugged them. A girl with pale skin, short blonde hair, violet eyes, and can be mistaken for a kid and a boy with caramel skin, brown eyes and dark chocolate hair. “I missed you so much, give me a smooch,” Dante said trying to kiss me. Bang! “What are you doing,” Rose said punching Dante in the head. “Good job,” Michael said giving her a high five. “What are you doing here anyway,” I asked them. “This big shot over here convinced our parents to let us stay here until we graduate,” Dante said more serious now.  “You really did that,” I asked amazed. “Yeah, first I had to come up with enough money for this place and then convince their parents,” Michael told me. “It was easy for Rose, but I had to convince this idiot’s dad when he already flunked a handful of classes away from home.” “Why are you so mean to me,” Dante complained.

There was a knock at the door. “Sorry to interrupt, but your mom wants to speak to you Rose,” Mina said from the door way. Rose went down stairs and Dante followed. “Oh yeah, since we’re underage an adult must be living here,” Michael told me, “So Sarah will be staying with us.” Sarah sat down on the wheel chair. “Well, I’m hungry,” Michael said stretching. “I just went shopping and the fridge is full,” Mina told him and he left.

It was just Mina and me in the room and she was staring at me for quite some time. “There was something I wanted to give you,” she said and reached into her purse. She handed me a book and the pages were completely blank. “You’ve been through a lot and I think you finally got your happy ending,” she said smiling, “So why won’t you to tell your story.” I looked at the blank cover and could picture the title right now, Revival of The Moon. Despite all the good stuff that had happened to me, this is truly the best thing I’ve ever gotten. “Thank you,” I said whipping away a tear. Sarah put her hand on my shoulder and said, “Let’s go down and eat something.” I nod my head and put down the book. When we got down stairs Dante, Michael, and Rose were arguing. “Hey that chicken wing is mine,” Dante said on Michael trying to reach for it. “As if, it was lying there and I took it,” Michael said with his hand on Dante’s face. “Would you two keep it down,” Rose yelled in anger with her hand over the phone. They were a hot mess, but I still couldn’t help but laugh and Sarah laughed along with me. So this is what my life is going to be for now.


            I sat at my desk with a pencil in my hand and began to right in the book.

My name is Lunar Nordell and I’m fourteen years old. I always wondered why I am here. Why must I feel so empty at times? Living in a family of four should make me feel happy because I have people by my side, but life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. Other than my parents I had a twin sister name Sun. She was the only thing that mattered to me at the time and it wasn’t because she had such weak health that she can die from an average amount of exercise. Sun was my complete opposite. She would laugh and play while I would stay quiet and to myself. She was someone I wanted to protect, I wanted to keep her smiling, but I was hurting her in the process. My parents didn’t treat me as well as they should and because of that I made her worried. I made her scared that when she’s gone what will become of me. I was incomplete, but for me to be the best I can. First I must be broken and that’s what had happened. This is how it all started.

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