chapter 18

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Chapter 18


            It’s been a week since I’ve move in with Dr. Miles and his family, but I was so caught up with mom’s funeral from last week I forgot that today is the last day of school. I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. Savannah was eating pancakes with Danny. “Good morning,” she said to me while handing me a fork. “Good morning,” I say to her, “Where is Dr. Miles?” “He was called in late last night so he should be sleeping up stairs,” Savannah said. I turned towards Danny. “You want to go to the amusement park with me and a little girl I know tomorrow,” I ask Danny. He didn’t answer, but instead he stuck out his tongue and pulled down his right bottom eyelid with his finger. “Well that’s new,” Savannah said pouring me some orange juice. “So what are you going to do after school is over?” I took a couple of sips. “I really don’t know.” It was getting late so I left.


            School is over and I’m emptying out my locker. “He shoots and he scores,” Dante says as he throws his notebook into the trash bin. He reaches for a textbook from his locker and gets ready to throw it, but Michael takes it before it leaves his fingers. “You’ll need this next year,” Michael said and shoved the book into Dante’s stomach. “Don’t you think you’re being a little mean to him,” Rose said. This is surprising for me to hear because she’s usually quiet at times like these. “Well if he wants to do better in school he should keep stuff like this,” Michael said. “Well there is something called being a little too mean,” Rose said fighting back. This is what I would call one of Rose’s rare moments when she gets mad and do stuff that are out of her character. “Why do you care all of a sudden,” Michael yelled back. Rose froze and her face turned really red. “Oh just leave her alone,” I tell Michael and he dropped the conversation.


            Lunar and Rose agreed to come over and spend some time at the house. “Hey, you cheated,” Michelle yelled at Dante. They are playing a game right now with Rose and Mike. Lunar sits on the couch and watches them. I sat down next to her. “Are you okay,” I asked. She stared at the open space as her hair slightly blows in the wind that’s coming from the windows. “Yeah, it’s just that we won’t see each other as much. I mean, at first we’ll hang out a lot, but soon we meet less and less during the summer,” she says. Despite how disappointing that may sound it is true unless we make an effort to keep in touch with each other. I ruffled up her hair and put my arms around her. “Don’t say stuff like that.”

            “Michael can’t this wait, I have to talk to you,” Mina says standing in front of the doorway. I got up, but she told me to sit down. Mina handed me a folder full with documents. She noticed the surprise in my face and said, “Yeah I was planning on giving you this for your graduation, but than what type of person would I be.” “What is it,” Michelle asked. “It’s the deed to everything Noah owns,” I tell them. The room was silent for a moment. I clutched the paper with my hand. “How did you get this? Even his signature is real,” I say to Mina. “Sarah and I’ve been investigating dad. We have found evidence on dad’s illegal business in the black market. I brought it to a friend who can make it that before dad goes to jail he will give us the company,” Mina finished. She purposely collapsed on me with her head on my lap. “Man you don’t know how many all-nighters I had to pull,” she says and closes her eyes. I pulled back my head and sighed. It feels as if a lot of wait have been lifted from my shoulders, but I’m not out of this ditch yet. I know he is getting punish for what he did, but that won’t change the fact that he never felt guilt or regret. The time he spends in jail will just be a minor break for him and when he comes back he’ll have something up his leave. It’s really funny though, how I know him the best. Despite all he’d done to me. Lunar got up and said, “Let’s celebrate with ice cream.” She must have noticed my face expression. Lunar went to the kitchen and Rose followed her.

Sarah entered the room. “Looks like you already told them the news,” she said sitting by Mina’s feet. Sarah peered at me as if she was reading my mind. “You think this is too good to be true, huh,” she says. “Oh just show your gratitude already,” Mina said and hugged me. “You know I wouldn’t joke around like that.” Mina pulled back and scratched my head. “A big sister has to look out for her younger siblings, you know.” I didn’t say anything. All I did was stared into Mina’s eyes and she holds my gaze. She got up and started to leave the room, but then she stopped. “He may not be gone forever or even feel bad about what he’d done, but he’s gone now. He can’t hurt us now, so why can’t you cherish this moment of freedom before it gets taken away from us,” Mina says not turning around. She left the room and Sarah followed. Maybe she’s right.


I took the ice cream out of the freezer while Rose got the bowls. “Isn’t it great that Michael’s dad is finally gone,” Rose asked as she put each bowl in a row. I nod my head, but still, for how long? “Um, Lunar, there’s this thing I wanted to talk to you about,” Rose said. I looked at her and she was bright red. “What is it?” She played with her hair while she talked. “I may like Dante,” Rose said in a hush voice. “Really,” I asked in almost a squeal. For how long, I wondered. “Did you tell him?” she shook her head. Knowing Rose it may be too late for her to tell Dante so as a good friend I should give her a push. “Do you want to go on a date with him,” I asked her. She looked me in the eyes and her face perked up like a child with a brand new toy. “Really,” she asked in astonishment. I nod my head and said, “Just leave it up to me.”

We walked out the kitchen with the bowls of ice cream. As I gave Dante his I said, “Remember how you still need a little help with environmental science.” “Yeah,” he said with a mouthful of ice cream. “I can help you. Just meet me at the park tomorrow at eleven,” I told him and he shrugged his shoulders. Michael was looking at me and I gave him the okay sign to reassure him. Tomorrow I’m going to be the best cupid ever!

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