Chapter 4: Dan where did these come from!!!????

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*straight to story*


We were at phils playing mario kart and I was winning. Phil was not very happy.

"Eat my dust, Phil!"

"Ugh piss off," Phil huffed.

As I passed the finish line, I screamed and jumped off of his bed and did a little victory dance.

"And dan wiiiinssss," I said in a little game show host voice.

"How dare u," phil smiled. I delivered a smile back and we both chuckled.


About an hour later, me and phil were beginning to get bored.

"wanna go to the park around the corner?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and beginning to stand up.

"sure," I smile, following phil down the stairs.


"yes boys," phil's mum smiled walking out of their lounge.

"we're gonna go park if that's okay?" Phil asked politely to his mum.

"Yes that's completely fine, boys. Be back before 6."

"yes we will," me and Phil said in unison.


At the park, Phil and I were casually talking, whilst on the swings.

It wasn't a very big park but it was okay for me and Phil.

'there my gay thoughts go again' I huffed to myself

"Are u okay. Dan?"

I didn't reply I just kept thinking.


I was suddenly shocked and out of my thoughts, falling off of the swing suddenly.

"Dan, are you okay?" He asked concerned, looking down at me with his gorgeous ocean-blue eyes.

"Yeah....I'm...fine just thinking" I lied smiling at him.

"okay good. Cause for a second I thought you upset or somethi~"

I suddenly saw Phil's face go from relieved to concerned again.

"Um...Phil are YOU oka~"

"Just stop talking for just one second Dan please....ur voice is never fucking out of my mind!"

I didn't know whether to be happy about his sentence or upset that he said it angrily with his voice growing louder with each word escaping his lips. Suddenly, I felt him lift my top up rapidly. I felt my heart instantly sink as my world spun around me.

"DAN WHERE DID THESE COME FROM?!" He yelled, voiced filled with anger yet concern.

"phil....look...I'm sorry I never told you okay..." I began to cry.

"What more is there to tell me, you could have told me you cut yourself, instead of hiding it from me!"

"p-phil..." I stuttered to put together half of the words "I moved to L-London because of a boy called Adr~"

Phil didn't want to hear it "Dan...please would you just SHUT UP for once...!!!!"

I began crying more as I stumbled off out of the park and off to my way home.

"DAN WAIT!" phil called, but I had already left.


"well done phil," I cursed to myself.

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