Chapter 9- just talk to me

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Phil's pov
Dan hasn't spoken to me since the situation. He got up and ran off, his little curls bobbing as he did so.

I went to go find him but it was clear when he told me to 'fuck off' , he didn't wanna see me.

*out of story*

"that's sad, daddy!" dil complained as he sat on the couch, eating toast. The 7 year old wasn't exactly good at not making a mess so was therefore getting toast crumbs all over his black and white cat onesie.

"I know dilly," I sighed "but it was difficult back then..."

"If you loved another boy very very much but no one would let you love him and hit you and ruined your life to keep you away from him what would you do?" Dan asked.

Dil thought for a second before jumping up and pretending to be a power Ranger "I'd get my baseball bat and beat them up until they accept me!"

Dan and I both let out a chuckle

*back to story*

Dan's pov

I sat on my bed all the thoughts of everything that had happened ran through my mind.

I closed my eyes tightly and gripped my hair as aiden came into my mind "why? I moved here to get away so tell me why the fuck he moved too!"

I began crying tears streaming down my eyes. My phone pinged and I looked over, the name made my heart crack and I didn't know what to do. I panicked, my breathing was no longer normal and my chest was closing up on me.

"Dan!" My mum called up the stairs "are you okay up there?"

"yeah I'm f-fine!" I called back shakily. She must have believed me cause she didn't call back.

I picked up my phone, my cheat heaving heavily.

Message from philly

Philly: hey Dan, look I'm sorry. I get aidens a prick, but this isn't my fault just talk to me!

Read: 4:50pm

I left him on read and got up, I can't be arsed with him right now. I know where I'm going and it involved drowning my emotions in the same thing my dad once drowned his emotions in.

Time to go to the bar!

I know this is really short but I had to update also the next chapter will be extremely long so love that! This chapter is Dedicated to @angelbeanphilly for commenting on my story and giving me ambition! I can't believe people actually like this thank youuu

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