Chapter 6 - PHIL! NO!

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*straight to story* 

(Phils POV) 

I woke up to see a beautiful curly-haired boy laying cuddled up to me, breathing against my neck. 

It was a school day but my parents still weren't home so I personally didn't care if we were going to be late. 

I slipped from under Dan's arm trying desperately not to wake the sleeping boy. I looked into the mirror and took off my shirt, before putting on my p!atd hoodie. 

"Morning," I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around to see Dan laying on my bed sleepily. 

"Morning, Dan. Sleep well?" I asked taking off my sleeping shorts.  I saw Dan suddenly stop and stare before replying. 

"For the first time in a while, yes actually," he smiled as I slid on my blue skinny jeans. 

'could Dan like me too,' I thought to myself 'no phil! Don't be so stupid.'

(Time skip to when they have been to school and get home)

We were at Dan's house for dinner and we were sat in his room with domino's pizza.   

"Did you notice how much Aiden kept staring at me evil-like today?" Dan suddenly asked me before putting another piece of pepperoni pizza into his mouth. 

"Sure did, Dan. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to startle you ," I sighed, eating his pizza. 

After we had finished our pizza and me winning another three rounds of Mario Kart, we were called by my mum to go downstairs. 

"Coming mum!" I called. 

(dans pov)

when we got downstairs, my mum was stood with Phil's mum. 

"Boys," said kathrine (phils mum) calmly "me and Jackie (dans mum) are going away for a week but you can stay at mine dan and you also have your house key if you need to come back here at points to get anything."

me and phil both smiled at each other before jumping in the air happily. We never have time to just be ourselves. Maybe I can see if he likes me. 

(2 days later) 

"Bye mum," phil and I both called down the airport. 

when we got back to Phil's house, the nintendo switch was plugged in straight away by him. 

"YAS!" I screamed as he put in the mario kart 8 game cartridge. 

Phil rolled his eyes and smiled. We both laughed. 

After about an hour of playing and phil winning most of the rounds, I began getting quite hungry. Suddenly, my stomach made a dying whale sound, the loudest it could be. 

"hungry daniel?" 


"lets order pizza"


(the next day)

(phils pov) 

It was time for school and we had only just got out of the house. It was pouring it down with rain, hitting me and Dan as ran accross the no-longer busy roads of London. 

"Dan!" I laughed as he tripped over a rock on the ground and flew into a small but deep puddle. 

"shit!" he laughed. I put my hand out and he gladly took it, getting up as we laughed hysterically. 

"We can get you dried at school," I laughed and knelled down so he could climb on my back. He did and we ran across the school field and pushed through the doors frantically. A few people stared at us confused as if to say 'why the hell is he on your back and why are you so late?' Then, all of sudden Aiden steps in front of the curious crowd. He stared me and Dan up and down with a disgusted but sinister look on his face. 

Me and Dan were still laughing at this point. He was on top of me, as when we pushed through the door we stumbled over. We hadn't even realized that Aiden was there until he opened his mouth. 

"Good morning fags!" He laughed. "How was last night?"

He grabbed dan off of me by his coat hood and pinned him to the wall. Dan suddenly stopped laughing and began tensing up and shaking. 

"PRICK!" I yelled at Aiden, quickly catching his attention.  

He dropped Dan forcefully, making him hit his head on the brick wall behind him. Aiden walked up to me slowly, clenching his fists. 

I pulled a stirn face, trying to act confidant. Aiden lifted up his fist and I quickly looked over at Dan who was struggling to get up and come to me. 

It all happened as quick as an Instagram edit. His fist went down onto my face and my vision went blurry. I heard mumbling from a pretty big crowd of people. Then I heard a yell of Dan screaming "PHIL NO!!!" and I felt two arms around me. 

"Bye bye Dan." I heard Aiden say coldly before hearing a thud on the ground. 


that physically killed me to write but I did it. Aidens a fucktard but maybe things will get better or will they just keep going south. Find out in chapter 7! 

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