Chapter 10: Brunch Anyone?

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(Addison's P.O.V.)

                         I slept in late, having nightmares now and then

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I slept in late, having nightmares now and then. I dream weird. I'm always running away from something, or I'm begging for someone to come save me. But as I slept in, I dreamed that I lost someone. Their face was blurry, I couldn't quite make out who they were but it hurt all the same when they died right in front of me. And all I could go was stand there and cry for help.
I jolted awake, breathing in and out heavily. I told myself I've and over that it was just a dream. That none of it was real. But the feeling never left me. As I started to get up, Pepper walked into the room. Her blue eyes were puffy but she still looked beautiful. She smiled at me through whatever was wrong with her, I didn't ask what. I let my legs dangle off of the bed, my hands between my legs.
"So, what did Tony find?" I say simply.
"Congratulations, Addison. You're a Stark." She grins widely.
I can't help but smirk at her. "I knew it."
"So, how about we go down and get some breakfast? Tony and I have to go Washington later today and talk to head of SHIELD to pardon you. Steve said he would take you. I'll give you Tony's credit card and number." Pepper says happily, walking over. "I can do your hair, if you'd like."
"Thank you but, um-I need to shower first." I'm kind of bummed that Pepper won't be going with me, but I get to spend time with Steve. "I stink like the Times Square sidewalk."
She nods and starts out the door. A thought comes to mind and I can't help but ask.
"Are you and Tony a-thing?" She turns and gives me a worried look. "Because I'm cool with that."
Pepper smiles at me as I smile back. She walks out and leaves me to my peace. So, I am a Stark. It's a lot to take in, considering I already knew I was. But still.

                      After I showered, I saw a very pretty dress lying out the bed

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After I showered, I saw a very pretty dress lying out the bed. It's a frilly Black dress with pink flower designs all over. Pepper. I put the dress on and then a few minute slater, Pepper came in and helped me with my hair and did my makeup. She had given me a little notepad and told me to put things that I like on there. Like my favorite color, favorite food, and even favorite animal. Pepper said that she was going to make sure Tony knew all of these things by the end of the week.
"So, how long have you known Tony?" I say, curious about everything.
She chuckles. "A very long time."
"So, how did the old man take it when he found out I was his?"
"Great, actually. Which is odd. Especially since it's Tony we're talking about." She says, applying something pink to my lips.
Mom never wore makeup. She always said that she didn't need it and she thought I was too pretty to wear it. Only if she could see me now. Pepper had straightened my hair. My red hair has gotten so thick and long, it was hard to wash it. When Pepper is finished, she and I look in the mirror at her creation. I have to say, I look pretty damn good. I had slipped on some red heels before we walked down to breakfast. Or brunch, as Pepper called it.
When I walk into the room, I can see the Avengers all siting around. They look beat, must be because they had to stay up all night because of me. Which wasn't entirely my fault. Bruce is the first to notice. His eyes go wide and he smiles at me, I can't help but smile back. Then Thor, which I had learned his name by Steve, sees me. His face lights up like a kid on Christmas Day. Natasha and Clint sees me standing there with Pepper behind me. Clint looks me up and down with a frown, Natasha gives me a slight smirk. Which is a huge upgrade. And then Steve sees me. A shy smile goes across his face. They all stand and walk over towards me. Clint lingers in the living room.
"Lady Stark, you are a sight." Thor says, "Juliet would be jealous."
Aww! He remembered my story. I can't help but blush.
"Never doubted you were Tony's kid for a moment." Bruce says with a smile.
Natasha glares him, her arms crossed. "Sure you didn't, Bruce."
My eyes lock with Steve's. He has a smile on his handsome face.
"So what's in the agenda today, kid?" Bruce says excitedly, "Maybe I can show you some experiments that we can-"
"She is going shopping." Tony's voice echoes through the room, "And then training."
I look over towards the stairs to see Tony standing there. He wears a grey suit and glasses. Now he looks like a billionaire, not a mechanic. He walks over to us, his eyes looking down at my dress.
"I can see Pepper has already started spoiling you." He turns to the team, "I need you guys to watch the kid for a few days, so she won't tear New York down again. Cap, you had said you would go shopping with Screamer?"
I see Thor's hammer on the coffe table in the living room. Last night, Thor's hammer managed to take my shield down. I turn to Thor, tapping him on his muscular bicep. "What does your hammer do?"
"um, I-" Thor starts to say.
"Barton, Romanoff, you all need to train her so she can learn how to use her powers for good." Tony interrupts, "We can't have her destroying Times Square again."
"And where are you going, again?" I cross my arms, "Off to some political meeting to talk about how robots are people too?"
Tony rolls his eyes at me. "I am going to go clean up the mess you've created. Also, Pepper and I have to make sure SHIELD doesn't throw you into solitary confinement. So don't try and have any wild party's while I'm gone, alright?"
With that, Tony and Pepper walk out. She waves at me as the elevator door closes. I turn to the team, whose all watching me. I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet.
"So, brunch anyone?"

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