Chapter 21

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     The stars looked like they were shining brighter than ever before and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty this earth can possess. I sit down on a large rock formation enjoying the quiet surroundings, other than the chirp of crickets the only thing to be heard was the gentle whistle of the wind.

     As I was enjoying a moment to myself I heard a deafening screech in the distance, followed by a commotion and then complete silence. Even the crickets knew there was danger nearby and decided to leave me in an eerie silence. Rising to my feet I decided to venture further into the dark forest to investigate, I can't possibly turn my back. Pulling the thick scarf tighter around myself I brush past low hanging branches and overgrown grass. I searched the area to the best of my ability, just as I was about to turn around I saw something on the ground, hidden behind a fallen tree. 

     I exhaled deeply, a puff of my breath could be seen hanging in the air before disappearing into the darkness. My heavy footsteps directed me over to the fallen tree, I'm sure the thumping of my heart can be heard a mile away. Carefully I sneak around the barrier and my eyes fall upon a haunting sight. A moose lay slumped over with blood gushing from a wound on its thick neck, faint clouds of breath coming from its snout. 

     Immediately breaking into a sprint I position myself next to the large animal, its eyes barely open I could see the fear consuming its life. Inspecting the wound, it's clearly a bullet hole. My hand instinctively strokes the large animal, its heartbeat needs to be brought down it's losing too much blood. Yanking my scarf off I put pressure on the wound, receiving painful grunts from the moose. 

     "I'm so sorry, I wish there was something I could do," feeling helpless all I can do is sit here and watch the life drain from her body. With my head hung low the sound of snapping twigs comes closer, if it's those hunters coming back to pick up their prize, I'll kill them. I quickly realize it wasn't when I heard a pleading grunt from a calve beside me. She's a mother. Tears stream down my face as the calve nudges its mom, blood pooling at its hooves. 

     "n-no, please," holding the fabric harder in my hand blood drenches my hand, everything went dark. 

     Pain floods my thoughts, I open my eyes and slam my hands against the metal bars. I'm here again, in the basement, confined in a cage. Touching my forehead blood stains my fingers, the pain is unbearable. Screaming for help I continue to slam my hands against the metal until blood drips from my clenched fists. I refuse to be a victim, I refuse to be treated like this. 

     "Let me out! Now!" A vicious voice escapes my lips, sounding more demonic than human. Not getting an answer my hands grasp the bars I pull and I push as hard as I possibly can. Anger floods my body, sadness floods my eyes. My hands turn black and molten lava cracks the surface of my rock hard skin, roaring with rage the metal bars melt in my grasp. swiping my hands across the bars in front of me they shatter and the shards go flying across the room. Once again, everything goes dark. 

     Shaking my head my tears fall upon the lifeless body, the calve crying out for its mother. Removing my hand from the wound and tearing off my jacket I scoot closer to the moose our foreheads touching in the process. To stop myself from crying out in pain I clench my fist, I feel the pain immediately and glance downward. My fists are bleeding, swiping my forearm against my forehead I feel the liquid on my arm and I see the crimson color soaking my skin, what the hell is going on. Glancing at the calve curled up beside me I gently touch the bullet hole that killed its mother, regretting not being able to save her. Excruciating pain shot up my arm and a blinding light lit up the forest. 

     I choke on my breath as I peek at my arms the blood was gone, runes lit up across my skin. Slightly raised and the color of gold. The ancient runes that littered the pages of the devil's black book were now scattered across my arms. Lifting up my shirt the golden glow of the ancient symbols stretched out across my chest. Grunting in pain I glance at my hands and my eyes fall upon the sizzling of my skin, letters of an unknown language wrapped across my wrists in the color black, surrounded by beautiful shapes and more unknown marks. 

     My attention shifts to the animal which was surely dead a few seconds ago, the wound on its neck no longer present. The humongous mammal nudges me with its soft muzzle, giving its thanks. 

     "You shouldn't be thanking me, I have no idea what just happened," her calf brushes against my hip, licking my hand. She grunts and whips her head to the side, signaling for her calf to follow her. She glances at me for a few seconds before she turns around and I swear I can hear a voice saying thank you in the howling of the wind. As they disappeared in the distance, so did the golden runes on my body. The only thing left on my skin to keep me from thinking I've gone completely insane is the black lettering on my wrist. 

     "Athena, what the fuck was that?" Abi's low velvet voice uttered behind me.

     "I have no idea, how long have you been here for?" 

     "Since you started bawling over a dead animal," She marched over to the grass that was flattened by the large animal and picked up my bloody scarf. 

     "I got worried when you didn't come in time for dinner so I went looking for you. I never thought I'd find you breathing life back into something that was six feet under," she whispered. I didn't know how to respond as she gently took my hand in hers, she was inspecting my wrist. 

     "I don't know what it means, do you?" She looked up at me with a troubled facial expression, I'm not sure I want her to answer my question. 

     "Let's get you home before I answer any questions."

     The walk home was a blur, all I remember was the heavy door closing behind me before Abi sat me down on the couch and put a warm cup of cocoa in my hands. The twins were rushing to my side, with everything I could possibly need. A plate of steaming lasagna was set in front of me on the coffee table, along with a glass of bubbling soda. 

     "Things immediately just got more complicated," Max exclaimed, his strong arms wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. 

     "Are you guys gonna tell me what the hell this means or not?" Anxiousness apparent in my shaky voice. Abi nodded toward the dinner, indirectly telling me I have to eat. 

     "There's no easy way to say this Athena, but I'm just going to come out and say it. There was a legend written long ago when heaven and hell were forged. It sounds a lot like it's written about you. I know it sounds crazy, trust me I know. But everything is so similar that I can't deny it anymore." Her powerful voice rang in my ears, great even more surprises in the joke that is my life. 

     "So what's this legend about?" I utter with a mouthful of lasagna. 

     "It's a legend about the most mighty woman to ever live, she had the power of both life and death. She's said to be the first and only woman to defeat the devil then take the throne in hell." My mouth fell open, before the food could shamelessly fall to the floor Max quickly shut it. 

     "It's your destiny, Athena, you've been prophesied before the devil himself."



     "I refuse."

     "Athena you can't refuse destiny."

     "Yes, I can."

     "No, you can't."

     "I definitely can." She sighs in defeat, angrily pointing a finger at me.  

     "You'll just have to wait and see."

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