Jacky -
The strong to grab a chair and smash on Dell's head was hard to control, and I just want so badly to go after Tala, "you jackass! What is your problem, just because she's not interested in you, doesn't give you a right to say those things to her! Not only did you screw any type of chance with her, you also screwed up your whole friendship with her!" I yelled at him, slapping him hard across the face, my hand stinging, but I didn't care, I just walked out, leaving the room.
I was beyond pissed, the angry heat of fury washing over me in flames, wanting so badly to go back and sock him; I was walking down the almost empty halls when Jx came sprinting over to me, "Jacky...w-what happened back there?" Jx asked, walking beside me, "Dell asked Tala out, and she turned him down, so he yelled insulting names at her, and she ranned off," I said hotly, walking into the car lot, "I-I...wow...let me take you to her house then," he said, smiling a full smile at me, leading towards a black mustang.
We got in, rock music blaring as the engine started, "let's hurry up," I told him, instructing him were to go, my heart still thumping painfully, as the image of Tala's mortified face, and tears running down her face, haunting my thoughts.
He pulled up at the house that I became so fond of, getting out quickly, Jx following behind, relieved to only see Tala's car, telling me she's here and that I don't have to freak out about knowing what happened to her; I knocked on the door, feeling suddenly nervous as I wait patiently at the door, my mind only on her, the door slowly opened, revealing Tala with tear stains on her cheeks, "h-hey," she said coarsely, letting us in.
I immediately hugged her tight, feeling her haggard breath against my neck, as she hugs me back, feeling lava hot tears starting to soak my shirt, everything was quiet except for occasional sobs.
She finally calmed down, sitting down in silence, "I...heard you got accepted to...the music...group, right?" Jx asked breaking the uncomfortable silence, but she didn't say anything, only looking blankly at the rug.
We finally started making small talk, Tala eventually joining in, smiling, laughing, and making all kinds of corny jokes; "shit! I still need to find a piece to submit for the State competition!" Tala exclaimed, "can you guys help out?" She asked, looking at us sheepishly, "of course," "why not," Jx and I responded, following her upstairs.
Muse [lesbian/gay] ✔
Teen Fiction[COMPLETED] Thump ' Come on...calm down' Thump 'Breathe...just breathe' Thump Thump 'I-i can't do this' Thump Thump Thump 'I'm such a failure' Thump Thump Thump...Thump! 'I can't...'