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Monday arrived dreadfully, as my driver dropped me off at school, I just felt so overwhelmed, the face of the girl I've became so fond of popping into my head; I walked through the clustered halls to my locker, getting my things for the first two periods, I was quiet, only nodding if someone said hi to me, I definitely didn't feel like talking after what happen with my parents; I made it to my homeroom, looking at the door, waiting for that certain someone that been on my mind, I wasn't stupid, but then again I'm probably am, I just can't live without her at this point, I just couldnt, so I'll take whatever punishment my parents give me, I'm not giving up my friendship with her.

I snapped out of my thoughts, as Tala walks in, looking at me with a smile, which I returned, as I watch her take a seat with Dell, 'I wonder if those two are...together' I thought, making me frown as I look back at the front.

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