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We got all the way to number twenty, both of us sick and tired of drawing and coloring at this point," I think this is enough for today, cause if I have to color yet again, I might puke." I groaned, flopping onto the floor, Jacky laying down on the couch, "yea...I agree with you." Jacky said hoarsely, not moving a muscle; we both stayed like that for about forty minutes, bored, "ok lets do something, something that won't take a lot of energy." Jacky said, getting up, going up stairs, I got up slowly, and up to my room, seeing Jacky looking at a picture of me and my parents, "so your mother...was white?" she questioned, looking at the picture again, and at me, "yea, I cam see, you have her hair, and her eyes." she said, putting the photo down.

She flopped on my bed, as I closed the door, thinking about a way to ask my question without being glared at, "hey Jacky...why do you hate colored people?" I asked, bracing myself for an insult, but none came, "...my parents have taught me they were bad, I mean, I've never actually met colored people, before you of course...I guess you can say, that I grew up hating the colored folks." Jacky said slowly, not looking at me.

I went over to my bed, flapping down next to her, making sure to keep my distance, sighed, before getting up, "um... I have to go now, see ya tomorrow cherry." I laughed, watching her burn red, "your hair is red! Eh you stupid nigger." she said, before storming off, 'maybe...I can get her to like my kind, then she won't hate me so much.' I thought, closing my eyes.


It was now my second day, and it was a bit more easier, I even made It to my homeroom on time; "ok...what is your...favorite color?" Dell asked, as we walk to first period, "seriously, my favorite color." I laughed, taking our seats in the back, before he can retort back, his attention was in the front of class, I followed his line of vision, seeing Jacky walk in, a guitar case on her back, her eyes on me, 'she actually didn't throw it away' I thought, as she walks up to me, her friend Tracey behind her, "hey cherry, we need to talk after class." she said, turning to go to her desk, "cherry?" Dell questioned, looking at me with raised brows, "yea, because of my hair." I said, glancing at Jacky, "that makes sense, but what doesn't make sense is that she's the one that gave you that name." he said, before I could say anything back, Mrs. Jinkins walked in.

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