Pissed Off Kryptonians

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Present Time

Alex's POV
It really hurt to see Clark and Kara crying over their losted ones. They already lost so many things already like krypton and their family but now they are loosing their most lived ones,  Louis and Lena. Me and the others made a plan dealing with Louis and Lena but we never knew it was going to turn out like this.

Kara's eyes were glowing so red it looked like she was about to kill somebody. Out of a blink of a eye Kara grabbed Oliver's throat and was looking right in his soul. "Who was in charge if this, DAMNIT WHO WAS IN CHARGE OF THIS SHIT" Kara asked. Nearly killing him which caused Felicity and Thea yelling at Kara to let him go, but she just ignored them. All of the citizens of National City were recording which wasn't making it any better.

I looked over to Clark to see if he was alright but it looked like he was crying while holding Louis's dead body. In order for Kara not to kill Ollie, I had to lie and say it was me. "It was me" I said and started crying. Kara loosened her grip and just looked at me "What......"


Ello peeps. This is my first time ever writing a story on Wattpad and I wanted to write something that really isn't on here. I really hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Lovz yall💖💖

P.S. sorry the chapter is short

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