Famous Lives

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5 Years Lator

Narrator's POV

It has been very difficult for everyone after Kara and Clark left but they all made it through, just because they are gone does not mean that their lives have to stop. They all continued their daily lives and are better than ever. Their has not been any major attacks ever since Supergirl and Superman left.

Maggie is now the Captain at the police station, Alex is now the Director of the DEO, and her and Maggie got married. Winn and James still work the same jobs. Ms. Grant is still the Queen of all Media. Team Flash is doing perfectly fine, so is Team Legends and Team Arrow. Oliver is still in jail so.... sorry (really not sorry).

Everyone has gotten closer and they all see each other as much as they can. So right now everybody is in Cat's house listening to the radio, and they are listening because mostly the whole USA is listening. They are all waiting to see who is going to win the contest to be able to stay with the famous KD and CK at their mansion for a month. KD is a famous singer, she Probably is the most famous singer out their. She is a billionaire, won a whole bunch of awards and grammys, and very beautiful. And CK is the best Producer out here, he has wrote and produced a lot of songs. So both are very famously known.

To top it off, they are both cousins and they live together in the mansion. But nobody knows who they both are, they wear very dark sunglasses everywhere they go, only their close ones know who they are. That's another reason why they are all listening to the radio because if you win, you get to see who they really are.

"Okay everyone we all have been wanting to know who has won the contest, and I have the results. Now remember if you win you get to take your friends with you and you will get to surprise KD and CK cause they don't know who won until that person shows up. Now straight to the point, the winner of the contest is...... ALEXANDRA DANVERS. Congratulations, I hope you have a great time. There you have it folks the winner"!

Alex's POV
Oh my sweet baby Jesus, they just called my name, THEY JUST CALLED MY NAME. Everyone started jumping up and down cause they were going to come with me, heck even Cat was jumping. When I say we are all huge fans, we are big fans. I mean KD and CK are very good at what they do, especially KD she is a lesbian. One time we all went to a concert and Mik, Legend Mik, heat wave, he freaking passed out when KD started singing his favorite song, Location. OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT, IM GOING TO SEE KD!

"Okay everyone, go home and get all your things and make sure you take leave. Make sure you are all packed and ready to go because the plane we go on is leaving tommoraw. When you are done packing come back here so we can be ready. We made it yall, WE GOING TO SEE KD"! I practically squealed.

Everybody was beaming when we left Cat's place, I mean who wouldn't. When me and Maggie get to out apartment, I grabbed her and kissed her. "Whoa somebody is excited" she said to me while smiling. "Who wouldn't be, and I bet Mik is freaking out to. Who knew he would be this crazy for her". I told her while walking in the bedroom. "I know right. God I am so excited, and were going to stay there for a month, that's just awesome". "It sure is, I mean she is so talented, can you hand my my shoes." Soon me and Maggie were packed and ready to go to Washington Seattle.

We both drove back to Cat's place where everyone was already their. "It took you two long enough, we started to get worried." Cat said. I just rolled my eyes while Maggie started laughing. The people who are going are James, Winn, Me, Maggie, J'onn, Cat, Barry, Iris, Cisco, Wally, Caitlin, Thea, Felicity, Curtis, Sara, Mik, and Ray. Cat ordered pizza for the group so we could all eat dinner. The pizza came 30 minutes lator on that day, so we all sat down and while having conversations. Much if the conversations were about what was going to happen tommaorw.

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