Transformation pt. 2

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(Some of you guys might be confused, this chapter was supposed to come out before the Please Read chapter)

Clark's POV
When Alex demanded to know what was going on, I had no choice but to take them to the cave. We started walking down multiple halls until we got to one hall that had a metal door and a do not enter sign "Why does it say do not enter" Diana asked "It says do not enter because if you go in there, you are putting your own self in danger" peter said while putting his hand on the tablet which made the metal door open. On the other side was a little cave with rock walls and ceilings and dirt floors, so we all walked into the room except for cat.

I just sighed because sometimes she can be a real pain in the ass "I'm not going in there, not with my louboutins" she said while crossing her arms, but then a idea came to me. "Come on cat, i know the inner reporter is dying to see what is on the other side of these doors" I said and i think i hit something because she sighed and stepped into the room which caused the room to bust into clapping, so cat flipped them off.

"Catherine Jane Grant, you put that finger down right now" Eliza said and Cat's shoulders sagged and she put her finger down "Sorry mom" she said and the whole room burst into laughter, but they do not know what they just did because there was a loud growl on the other side which made everyone jump. "Yeah sorry guys, Kara does not like loud noises" I said and i heard a scoff come from Barry "Thanks for telling us now, because I almost pissed on myself" He said and Iris just started shaking her head.

I had to try so hard to not to laugh, so I bit my inner gums. "Ok listen up people, when we walk through these doors you make no sound. Stay behind us and do not go anywhere, this is for your own safety. We are going to have Peter lead the way because he is the only one that Kara let's come in anytime" Slade said and he nodded towards Laurel. I swear I love them so much, these 3 were there for me and Kara through the bad times, we owe them so much.

Laurel walked over the the tablet on the wall and bent down so it could scan her eye, after it scanned her eye the door started to open so I made everyone get behind us. "Ok I am starting to get a little scared" Maggie said and Alex shushed her, once the doors opened everyone could see what the cave looked like. 

"Whoa, this is so cool" Cisco whispered as we all started walking behind peter, but before we got close to the water I stopped walking so everybody else stopped walking "What we stop for" Alex asked now confused and scared "We stopped because I ne...

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"Whoa, this is so cool" Cisco whispered as we all started walking behind peter, but before we got close to the water I stopped walking so everybody else stopped walking "What we stop for" Alex asked now confused and scared "We stopped because I need to explain some stuff before we get close to that water. 2 years ago Kara changed and when I mean changed, she really changed. She discovered what she was and what she was here for, and that is to be Rao's Warrior. Now Rao does not have any warriors until Kara came along and that changed everything, since she is Rao's Warrior that means she is very special. She can communicate with Rao now and you will see that later".

"On Krypton we had Alphas, Omegas, and Betas. Alphas are the highest level in a group and they are meant to lead and dominate. Some Alphas can be pricks and assholes but other Alphas can be nice and gentle. Now if you are in a Alphas territory or you are messing with their mate, they let out a low growl or let out dominating pheromones that warn the other Alpha, since you are Humans you wont smell those pheromones but I can but you can hear the growls though" I said taking a breather before starting again.

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