We Meet Again

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Kara's POV
Ok so can anyone explain to me why I am seeing my sister and the rest of them, the only sentence I can get out is "What the fuck". It was so quiet you can hear a pin drop, they Maggie said something "dang little Danvers, who knew you could say fuck" she said while smirking. "Hehe, yeah my vocabulary has changed over the year" I said while scratching the back of my head.

Then out of the blue Mik jumped on me and started hugging me "I cant believe I am holding KD right now" he said then he looked up at me and said "I love you". "Um... thanks, you mind getting off me now" I said, so he got down "sorry, I'm just a really big fan" he said. "I can tell, thank you" I said while I pay his shoulder. Then Alex stepped in front of me, "Its you, it's really you" she said then she lunged to hug me.

It caught me off guard but I bent down and hugged her back. "I've missed you so much kara, please dont ever leave like that again l" Alex told me while crying in my shoulder. I let go and bent down so we were face level, then I put my hands on her shoulders "hey dont cry, I've missed you so much to. I am really sorry that I said those things and just left, I truly am. I am never leaving Alex." I told her while wiping her tears. "Oh I've missed you" she said while hugging me again, so I just stood up all the way while hugging her which caused me to lift her up. "Ok taller danvers, put my wife down and give us a hug" Maggie said, so I out alex down. "Oh you two got married" I said excited while hugging Maggie. "Yes we did, have you found someone special yet" she said. It kind of stung but I just said " nah, just playing around a little bit".

"Ohhh, so now I should call you player danvers" she said while laughing. "I'm not a player" I said while hugging everyone else. "So your telling me that if we go in the back, we won't see girls out there hanging out around the pool" barry said. I did not say anything cause there are girls in the back "Kara" Iris said shocked. "What, I have to have my daily fun" I said while hugging Ms. Grant. "I have to say I missed you Kara, and I am very proud of you. And I have a question, how did you get so buff and so tall, you are towering over me right now" Ms. Grant commented.

"I have missed you to Cat and thank you. I got buff from working out more with red sun bracelets, and my tallness I guess just came after some years." I said while walking toward the studio door. "So you have a 6 pack now, can I see" she said. "Ew cat, that is my sister" alex said, "Its ok Alex, and I have a 8 pack and no you can not see, sorry" I said. Ms. Grant and everyone just stared at me shocked "what, I take my workout seriously, hey kal come out here" I said. "Yeah what's up, oh hello" clark said when he saw the others. "So your CK, man I have to say your songs are dope" James said while hugging Kal. "Yup that's me and thanks, we worked hard to get where we are right now" he said while hugging everyone else.

"Ok you two can talk lator, go change cause you have BET awards to go to" maria cut in. "But maria, please" I begged her. Maria is like a mom to me and kal. "No, go now" maria said so I told everyone else that they can come to and have VIP, backstage pass, and after party pass. Me and kal set off to our rooms to change " this is weird isn't it" kal said, "yeah it is, but I missed them so much" I said. "Yeah me to, i will meet you down stairs" he said before going into his room, "ok" I told him and went into my room.

Alex's POV
Yay we are all going to the BET awards to see Kara and Clark, so while waiting we all sat in the living room. "I cant believe it is them" Barry said, "yeah but I missed them so much and I think everyone else did to, look at them now, very successful" J'onn said while smiling. There were a whole bunch of yeah's going around the room, then the two came down the stairs looking so chill and cool. Kara had on a orange jacket with some black addias pants and some black and white huaraches. Clark had a burgundy jacket on with black addias pants and some black huaraches, and of course they both had on shades.

"Looking very chill Danvers and Kent" Maggie commented. "Thanks, the only reason we are dressed like this is because of the song were going to be doing at the awards" kara said while fixing her Rolex. "Kara you have really grown, like physically and mentally" I told her. Like I am just realizing that, she is so successful in life and has made her pathway, I really am proud. "Aww thanks Ale...." kara stops mid sentence cause this girl in a bikini walked past her, kara rubbed her hands together while looking at her butt. Then kara just started walking with her, then Clark grabbed her by the back of the hood and pulled her back.

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