The Plan

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10 Hours Earlier

Oliver's POV
"Ok so I called all of you in here for a reason, and that is to defeat Reign, Reverse Flash, Damian Dark, and Prometheus". I know that this is a very bad idea but we have to do it in order to win this battle. This plan has been stuck in my mind ever since this happened. I have to say I am very nervous, but I am hoping that this works and nothing goes wrong. "In order to win this fight we must draw them out by using something, or really some people. We all know that the 2 most powerful ppl here are Clark and Kara, and that is who R.F.D.P. wants to be weakened the most, so they would do anything to do that. We know they are very smart and not just come out of their hiding, so that is why we are going to use them..." I point over to the door to wear Kara and Clark's spouses walk in, Lena Luthor and Lois Lane. "No, we are not doing this, do you realize how stupid this is right now oliver" Alex said, well basically yelled which was not nessicary.

"So that is why Kara and Clark aren't here right now. Man I have to agree with Alex, this is not a good idea." Barry told me with a very concerned face. I knew it was going to be very hard to convince the team to do this. "Ok listen, they are not going to come out unless something they want is somewhere out in public. I've already talked to lena and Lois and they are ok with this. They are not going to die, they are just going to be our bait, and when they come to get them we will already be their to attack and win this thing." I said hoping that they will agree with me on this. "No, I'm not doing this man, you are really crazy"Alex told me. I kinda got frustrated and told her "If you don't like this plan then you don't have to be here and help us out with it, so what is it either you help or you don't." I say with a very pissed off tone. Alex closes her eyes and sighs "fine I am in." I look at everyone else and they gave me very cautious nods agreeing with my plan. I soon start discussing the plan and how everything was going to go down.

Barry's POV
After that plan Oliver told us that we were going to do really scared me. We all went our separate ways in the DEO going wherever to think about things. I know I'm not the only one that is really doubting this plan. Is Oliver really that stupid to put Supergirl and Superman's wife's out as bait just to win this battle. They are really the last family that they have and what happens if something goes wrong. I knew I should have said somethi.... "Hey Barry"! I must have been thinking really hard cause Kara literally scared the shit out of me. "Shit Kara you really scared me" I said as I grabbed my heart and took deep breaths. "Um... ok, i was just checking in on you cause you looked depressed like everyone else here, is everything ok" she asked me with a very concerned face and that crinkle between her eyebrows. " Yeah everything is fine, it is just everybody is kinda scared for this fight" that is some of the truth cause we all are really scared for this fight. "Well y all don't have to worry cause you all have me and kal-el" she said with one of her signature bright smiles. I smiled shyly and just agreed with her. Before she could say anything lena came up behind her and asked her if she wanted to have a game night with just her, Clark, and Louis. "Of course I would love to join game night, I would never miss that" kara said as she kissed lena's forehead. "Good cause idk what I would do if you said no. Oh and hey barry" she said to me and all I did was say hey back. "Well we should get going, see you tommarow barry" kara told me before scooping lena up and flying out the DEO.

I just stood there and soon I found a wall and just slid down it. As I looked around the DEO looked so sad cause every other hero was either sitting against a wall or sitting on the staircase just staring off into space. Iris came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. "I know this is a very challenging thing you all are thinking about. But think positive, the plan will work and we can go back to our normal lives" she told me as she smiled. I did not even look at her and said "yeah I really hope so". After it seemed like 3 hours Alex was the first to get up and said "I'm going home cause I need a drink, not even a drink, I need a bottle. See you all tommorw" she said sadly and leaving with Maggie trailing right behind her. It was to late, we couldn't change plans cause it was all happening tommarow. Soon everybody else started leaving the DEO empty. Me and Iris were laying in our hotel bed cuddling together before going to sleep. Tommarow was going to be a very longgggggg day.


More chapters will come soon✌

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