The Fight Of Their Lives pt.1

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Before the Fight

Sara's POV
Usually I'm not really scared or concerned about missions that we do, but this mission is the one that has me actually scared. When Ollie told us his plan on what to do by using Lena and Luois really has me in my thoughts. Why would he even think of that, what if we decided to put felicity in their to. But of course Oliver being Oliver, stubborn and never thinks about anybody else expect for himself. But the thing that is really bad, is that Kara and Clark don't even know about the plan. Even space dad said that he does not want a part in it cause this plan can lead to something very horrible.

Right now we are all in the training room just working to get ready for this fight. Kara and Clark went out to Japan to eat some weird shit, it must be nice to just fly anywhere. Those 2 and their damn kryptonian appetites. They asked if any of us wanted to come but we all had to make up stories so we can stay here for the fight. I say that this is a suicidal mission cause how can lena and Louis just agree to this stupid plan. Before I could think about anything else I felt a tap on my shoulder. Once I turned around it was Barry.

"Hey you ok, you have been sitting on the floor just looking at the wall while everybody was training." He is not lying cause I'm sitting on the comfy mat while everybody else is training. Of course Oliver is talking cause he thinks he is the best and does not need to train. I swear who made him the leader, sometimes he can be a real asswho..... "Sara" Barry tapped me again. "You went out again, here come on let's go outside so we can go talk." I couldn't take no more, I really don't cry but this moment I felt like crying so I just but out crying. Everybody stoped training and looked at me while I was sitting with my head in my hands crying. "Shhhhh, it's ok come on get up, we can talk somewhere else." Barry pulled me off the Mat and while we were walking to the door Oliver stopped us. "Hey what's going on with you, you habe been slacking off today and then you started crying. Are you ok?" When said that I got so pissed that I just punched him right in the jaw.

"WHAT THE FUCK SARA." Now everybody was just staring at us. "Fuck off you asshole" Thats all I said before I took off running out the door looking for a quiet place to sit.

Barry's POV
"What the fuck was that for, I didn't even do anything to her" Oliver asked me while holding his jaw. I just looked at while clenching my fist, cause did he just ask that stupid question. "Did you just ask me that really stupid ass fucking question Oliver, it is YOU that is what's wrong. She is mad cause of you. All you think about is yourself and you never think about anyone else. What if we put felicity out there without you knowing, how would you feel. You are a selfi...."Before I could finish he intrupted me which pissed me off. "If you don't like it then..." right before he finished that sentence I punched him right in the jaw 2 times harder, He fell on the ground after that. Wally came running and grabbed me so I won't punch him anymore, cause I sure was about to. "Owwww, what the hell is wrong with you" he asked. I just looked at him "don't fucking interrupt me again." After I said that I walked out looking for Sara. I found her in one of the sleeping rooms so I sat down beside her and we both started crying.

Kara's POV
Me and kal-el were having such a great time together in Japan. We went to this AMAZING Japanese place and there food was to dye for. I am really glad me and him get to just take a break and spend cousin time with each other. We wanted to go to the park but I forgot my camera at the DEO. "Hey we can just fly there and get it then come back" he told me. So I agreed and we flew to the DEO. Of course I am faster so I got there first, he arrived 4 seconds later. "Slow poke" I said at him and he flipped me off so I flipped him off back.

"Hey, I saw that little Danvers, you better play nice" the only person that calls me that is the one and only "Maggie" I said while me and kal-el go to her. "Hey y'all, I thought you to were supposed to be in Japan" She asked. "We are, we just came back cause somebody forgot their camera" kal-el looked at me with a sarcastic tone. "Oh shut up you doof" after I said that Maggie was already laughing at us. "Haha, oh Lord you to are crazy. Have any of y All seen alex?" "No we have not but I could help you look for her." Maggie nodded her head so we went looking. While going down one hall we heard some crying coming from a door, so we creaked it open to find Barry and Sara crying. I don't know what's wrong so I just closed the door back. "What's wrong with them" Maggie asked me, I told her that I really don't know. While walking we heard some yelling, and all I could think is what now. When we walkedin the room I could see Alex and Oliver arguing, and Oliver's face looked really fucked up. "Hey what is going on here" I ask trying to fix the problem. "Your sister is being a real bitch right now" Oliver said in a very pissed off tone. Now nobody calls my sister anything out her name and that really set me off. "I'm not the one being the dumb bitch here oliver" Alex yelled back. The rest of the team was standing back watching. The last straw was when Oliver pushed her, Maggie started to walk towards him with her hand on her gun, but before she could reach him I sped to him and threw him on the floor.

I was choking him and that is what I want. "You don't call my sister a bitch and then push her and get away with it? Naw cause you got me really fucked up now. I should beat your ass and that is what I'm going to do." Before I could punch him, kal-el grabbed me off him and pulled me back out the room. Maggie was just standing there laughing. "Damn little Danvers got a little temper and a mouth" she said and Alex got up and playfully hit her in the arm and walked out the room, so Maggie followed. Me and kal-el found my camera and flew back to Japan before I killed Oliver.

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