A Lap Dance

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Alex's POV
While kara was stuttering which I don't know why but I felt a vibration from phone in my pocket, and someone texted in the group chat.

Barry: What do you mean😞
James: No she doesn't
Maggie: I bet she is not
Cat: She may like her
Thea: Omg, I ship it so hard😄
Iris: She probably just likes her as a friend
J'onn: I agree with Iris
Alex: I mean she is basically a player, so I don't think she likes her
Sara: You all are fools, just watch I am right😏

Sara dose not know what she is talking about, kara probably doesn't even like her. When I looked at Kara she was blushing and acting really weird "So how have you been d-diana" why is she stuttering, wait. "I have been good kara and I see you have gotten taller and Clark has gotten shorter, your taller than me" Diana said.

"Hey" Clark whined to cause a chuckle from Caitlin and when he heard cait laughing at him, he blushed really hard, OMG. "Hehe, well this is Henry and Bruce, Maria is right there if you need anything and you can make yourself at home, I will be in the gym" kara basically rambled that all and started walking off really fast which caused Clark to laugh.

"Fuck off Clark and don't you say shit" kara said while walking off, what doesn't she want him to say and apparently Laurel, Slade, and Malcolm knew to cause they were dying laughing. Clark was bent over now laughing so much he was starting to get red. "So did we miss something" Barry asked confused.

Nobody answered so I stepped up to clark "What is it that she does not want you to say" I said. He got scared and said "You know what I got to do something in the studio" and with that he took off running, why was he running? We all turned to look the other 3 that were laughing "don't look at us, we are not saying anything" Malcolm said.

We just shrugged it off since nobody was going to say anything "I don't know what it is but I don't like all that cussing she was doing" mom said. "She really has changed" I said and then Maria cut off the silence "Ok you 2 come with me, I show your room" she said while walking off with Diana and Bruce behind.

We all went our separate ways going back to our rooms so we can freshen up and change into some clothes, and soon we all came out into the living room and started talking. "Where is Kara and Clark" Bruce asked "We don't know, they have been gone since they left" Sara had said then we heard some yelling in the hall "I don't give a rat's ass, I paid for the shit so you better fix it and if you don't your fired" and it was Clark yelling.

"Somebody is mad" Maggie said as Clark was walking out the hallway "lazy ass fucking bastards, last fucking time I go to that shit hole" he was saying while putting his phone in his pocket. "Oh my goodness young man, you watch your language" mom told clark "I'm sorry Eliza, it is just I pay these people money to fix my car and they wanna mess it up, I will work on the cussing I promise" Clark said while taking a seat.

"So how have you been clark" Bruce asked him "I have been doing awesome, just with work and other stuff" Clark replied. "So do you have your eyes on somebody yet" Diane asked him which caused Clark to blush hard and get quiet. "Are you ok clark" Caitlin asked and he told her that he was ok, OMG Clark likes Caitlin! Before we could say anything else we heard some cussing from the hallway "Who the hell is Kara going off on" Slade said while getting up and walking toward the hallway.

We all got up to and followed him down the hall and turned a couple of corners until we got to the gym which kara was in and it looked like she was going off on somebody that was on the phone while she was putting 45's on the salmon ladder.

K: I don't give a fuck man

"Who is she talking to" Thea had asked "Post Malone" Clark had replied.

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