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Sara's POV
Tired, that's the only word I can say right now. I am so tired that it is so ridiculous, the reason was because of cat. She was moaning so loud that it litteraly went through the whole mansion, who knew cat was so vocal.
I'm sure I'm not the only one to get no sleep, kara must have been hitting it hard then. Maybe I should try to smash with her sometime, but right now I need some coffee.

While I was walking into the kitchen everybody else was there with a coffee mug and all with sleepy faces. "Here" J'onn said while drinking his coffee, everyone was still in there pajamas. "Thanks dad" I said and oh my, when that coffe hit my throat it felt so good. "I got no fucking sleep last night, when I see cat I am going to kick her ass" Alex grumbled while rubbing her head and then Maggie started laughing.

While we were talking Clark came out and joined in the conversation, "Y'all do not know how used to this I am, this happens basically every night" Clark said while drinking his coffee. "Damn kara, who knew she was a very sexual person" james said and that is a very question cause the kara I knew barely had sex. "I do" Alex said and everybody looked her, "explain" Maggie demanded. "You see kara has fooled you all, when we were in Midvale she used to sneak out at night  then come back late as I don't know what and every time she snuck back in, there was a girl with her every time. Shit if she didn't have a girl with her, she was always either high or drunk and she never got caught." Alex said casually while taking another sip of her coffee. "Kara used to get high" Barry, me, Maggie asked. "High as a bird, like I said she had you all

We were all talking about stories of kara then we heard some heels coming down the hall, it was cat.
"Good morning everyone" cat said while pulling out her phone and checking her emails. "I should kick your ass because none of us got sleep cause of you" Alex said while glaring at her. "Well I'm sorry kara was hitting the right spots" cat said which caused Alex to gag. "Damnn, how many times did you release" Maggie said then I hit her in the arm. "Owww, y'all need to stop hitting me" Maggie said while rubbing her arm.

Then cat held up 8 fingers which caused Alex to gag more and J'onn to roll his eyes. "Wow, that is very impressive" Barry said and he got punched in the arm to by iris. "Shut the hell up barry" Iris said, "what, that is impressive" he said while rubbing his arm causing everyone to laugh. "What we all laughing at" Kara said while coming out the hall, the sight we saw caused Me, Iris, and Caitlin to choke on our coffee.

Kara had on some expensive jeans with some white jordans, and she had no shirt on with a tattoo on her arm and some on her back and she had on a nike bra. Kara had a full on 8 pack going on, she had more abs than me. "Damn kara, how serious do you take your workouts and when did you get tattoos" Winn yelled which caused him to be shushed by kara, then she pointed to her shoulder. Her shirt was on her shoulder with with something that was bundled up in a blanket on her shoulder to.

"Kara what is that" I asked because I am really confused right now, "He is my baby monkey, Henry and right now he is asleep and I need to give him his breakfast" she said while walking to the fridge.

"Kara what is that" I asked because I am really confused right now, "He is my baby monkey, Henry and right now he is asleep and I need to give him his breakfast" she said while walking to the fridge

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