Never Coming Back

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Narrator's POV
"And their you have it folks, the video that has happened yesterday in National City Park. Our dear loved kryptonians said it themselves, they quit and our never coming back. And their are some very interesting things why they are not coming back. They were betrayed by their own family causing their spouses lena Luthor and Lois Lane to pass away which led to their future kids passing away to. We have special guest Cat Grant here to voice her opinion, Ms. Grant"?

"Mmm thank you Gerald, I have to say that I am very sad on what happened yesterday. Cause of the selfishness by Oliver Queen and the rest of his teammates. But it does seem Gerald the mister Flash was very upset with him though, maybe he was forced to do and all the others, but we do not know the full story. But from me Superman and Supergirl, I am so sorry what has happened and we will truly miss you to.

"There you have it Cat Grant everyone, soon we will be seeing the press conference that the president will be holding in about 20 minutes. Toon in.

Maggie's POV
I have been trying to talk to Alex but everytime I try she pushes me away. We just got done watching the news that was just on the TV and that just made things worse. Alex got up and grabbed a bottle of Scotch and started drinking it from the bottle. I got up and grabbed the bottle out of her hand.

"Hey whoa whoa whoa, let's take it easy on the scotch, Alex just please talk to me so I can try and make it better" I say while putting the bottle cap back on and sitting it on the counter. "Nothing will ever be better again, I lost my sister and she never wants to see me again. You can't fix this Maggie, so please just stop trying" I looked at her with a very hurt facial expression. "Hey now you listen here, I will never give up on you. You are my fiance, and we will go through this together ok." Alex nodded her head and we hugged for about 4 minutes. "Let's call the others over here so nobody has to be alone during this right now".

And that's what we did, called everyone.  Barry, Iris, Cisco, Wally, Caitlin, Winn, James, J'onn, Sara, Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Mik, Ray, and for some reason Cat was here but oh well.
Barry and Iris were cuddled up on the couch while barry was crying, Winn was lying in a corner crying while James was sitting next to him crying, Sara and Alex were hitting the bottle pretty hard, Cat was on the balcony crying, Mik, Ray, and Diggle were just sitting, Felicity and Thea were sitting on the floor rocking back and forth, and J'onn was sitting in a single chair fight back his tears. I just stood there and watched the scene in front of me, this was gonna be some very long months.

Soon it was time for the conference, so everybody got in some places so that we all could see the TV. The President walked on the stage and Began talking. "Dear citizens, I am not talking just for America but I am talking for the whole world. We have lost 2 of our strongest protectors of our world. And on my behalf, Superman and Supergirl I hope you 2 are watching cause we the people are very sorry for your losses. We all understand why you 2 want quit and we are supportive over it, If you 2 ever want to come back then we will welcome you back open arms. Thank you for your time". Everybody erupted into clapping while the president made her way down the stage.

I got up and turned the TV off then turned to everyone. "Ok I know you are torn on what has happened, but we can not stay like this forever. I know you all need to think and cry, so I am giving you all a week to let all your emotions out, then after that we get our shit together and continue living our lives. Am I clear" everyone just started at me like i was crazy "AM I CLEAR". I got a whole bunch of yes ma'ams. "Ok then get all your sorry asses up so we can all go get some food" . Everybody got up and we all walked to the beach shore to get some food and eat it in the sand. It was a long walk but it was worth it.

To our surprise a whole bunch of people came to the beach with lanterns. Their were ages varied from young to old all holding lanterns with the house of el on them. Soon the lantterns were sent off to the sky and it was so beautiful. But what caught everybody's attention was Kara and Clark were right there in the sky with 2 red looking pods. There were so many light were it was showing them. They were not in there suits but it seemed they were in some sort of Kryptonian clothing. Kara was in a white dress with the Crest on it while wearing sandles, and Clark was wearing a white shirt with beige pants. His shirt had the Crest on it to and had on no shoes. That when kara started saying something.

"You have been the suns of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your journey home. We will remember you every dawn and await the night to join you in the sky. Rao's will be done". After she said that that put their hand behind the pod and pushed it gently, causing the pod to cruiser up in the air.
Kara was on the very verge on crying. The Clark wrapped is arm around Kara's neck and they both flew off.

Alex started crying so I held on to her. Barry got near the water and sat back down while looking out to the water. Everyone else went their separate ways on the beach picking spots of their own.  It was very hard for Maggie to see everyone like this. Soon J'onn got up and walked along the beach crying, he not a cryer at all but this was the first time.

The whole National City was on the beach mourning the loss that world has experienced.

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