The Fight Of Their Lives pt.2

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Before the Fight

Oliver's POV
Ok, I don't know what the fuck just happened. Why is everybody mad with me, like what did I do. First i get punched by Sara, then i get punched by Barry, and the topping on the cake was kara, she freaking choked me. I know we are about to face our worse enemy's but dang, don't put it all on me. Right now everybody is huddled up in the DEO listening to the what I am going over before we get out there and whoop some ass.

"Ok everybody, today is the day. Barry I want you to speed off and take lena and Louis to the park, while we will be heading over there. Let's go show them that they messed with the wrong heros"! After I spoke, barry sped off with lena and Louis while everybody else got on the motorcycles and some in the van.

Narrator's POV
Barry, lena, and Louis were already at the park waiting. Well barry was hiding so nobody saw him. He heard some vehicles, so he turned around and found the others arriving to the park. Oliver nodded to everyone to split up so that there was eyes everywhere. Once everybody was in there spots, they waited.

Lena and Louis were walking around talking until she saw a black figure in the alleyway which was reign, so she took out a device in her pocket to press the button that alerts the team that they are here. Then stuff started to go down.

Lena and Louis tried running off while everybody popped out and ran towards Reign, Thawn, Prometheus, and Damian. But things did not go out to plan because while trying to run, lena was caught by Reign and Louis was caught be Thawn.

Barry's POV
Oh no no no no, Lena and Louis were caught by Reign and Thawn, I knew this damn plan was bad. I held my hand out the side in order to stop the team from running. "Please do not do this, let them go please. I will turn myself in to yall, just please let them go" I pleaded. "Did you all think that this little plan was going to work, guess what you guessed wrong" Reign snarled, and before we knew it, they stabbed lena and Louis right in the heart and dropped them. "NOOOOOOO"

Thawn smirked at me and had the nerves to say 'what are you going to do'. All I saw was red and then I just blanked out, next thing I know I was running towards them. We were able to knock them all out and lock them up in very special handcuffs. We let the military take them away to do whatever they wanted to do with. Now we had a bigger problem, lena and Louis were dead. Sara and Felicity were crying, while Alex and Winn were screaming. The rest of the team was just standing there. Until we heard to loud thumps on the ground, Uh Oh.

Kara's POV
Clark managed to calm me down so we can enjoy the rest of Japan. While we were walking through the park, I was taking pictures of the beauty that I saw, majority of my pictures were photos of flowers. "So how do you think everything is going over in National" Clark had asked me. "Probably either arguing with each other or they went there separate ways" I told him with a very chill complex. Before I could say anything else all I heard was 'NOOOOOOO'. I looked at Clark and he looked back at me, I'm guessing he heard the same. The weird thing is that it sounded like barry.

We both took off flying to National City, wanting to see what happened in order for barry to scream like that. What we saw next was not what we expected. When we landed right in front of my eyes, I saw Reign, Thawn, Prometheus, and Damian be lead to military trucks, while cuffed up. I then saw lena, my precocious love of my life lena, on the fucking ground bleeding. I did not care that there were civilians recording right now. I ran to lena and Clark ran to Louis.

"LOUIS LOUIS, PLEASE BABY WAKE UP. WAKE UP". Clark was holding Louis's dead body in his arms rocking back and forth crying. I was on the floor holding lena to my chest whispering " Please wake up Angel, please wake up. PLEASE WAKE UP." I never cried so much in my life, who ever did this was going to pay. Next thing I know, my whole vision went red.

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