Chapter 1

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I sat silently at a table in the only chair with a pen and paper. I didn't know how to write this I didn't what to do. I didn't care anymore I just wanted to get over with it because I made a promise.

Still, in my Prom dress, makeup ruined, heels kicked off. I sighed for the hundred time since I got home. It was after 2 am after about an hour of crying new tears were still threatening to spill over. I wanted to grief but I didn't want to forget.

I have a story to write. As expected the movie was sad but it was tragic it was too much. It was just ...I didn't expect to be so heartbroken afterward... I didn't expect to feel to feel empty.

My entire childhood was wiped away before my eyes. The people I praised and put on a pedestal because of their influences and greatness weren't here anymore. For ten years everyone said but honestly, my first ever marvel movie was Toby Maguire's Spider-Man (2002) my mother getting it as soon as it hit DVD so 16 years... 16 years was now the drain 16 years was pulled apart. I've had heartbreak before but for some reason, this had a lasting affected.

I have to write this story. I could give it a happy ending I could make sure everyone lives. Hell, I could even give Thanos a happy ending. But I wasn't going to the ending was sad and I was grieving, even if they were just characters I was still grieving. It was a tragic ending so I would give it it's tragic ending let you all grieve with me feel pain on the scale I felt it maybe even more.

"This is going to be a tragedy. Your sweetness has gone bitter." I looked directly at you as I pick up my pen tears in my eyes and say " Are you ready?"




(y/n) continued to walk towards the city until people with spears came out to her.

"how did you get here child? why are you here?" a woman stepped forward dark-skinned, no hair, spear, and red thick outfit.

"This is Wakanda, right? Can I see the kitty, Black Panther, he's the King, right?" (y/n) asked as she looks at the woman. The spark that was once so bright it challenged the sun was now dull as a nightlight. The woman took note of the child's dullness she was way too dull for her age.

"what is your name, child?"

"(y/n), (y/n) (l/n) I mean Barnes... (y/n) Barnes"

The guards that found her informed the king and took her to the palaces. She was placed in a room with two female guards by the door she was told to wait for T'challa. (y/n) didn't say anything after her name even though she was asked a few questions. She knew the answers but she simply did not want to answer, had no energy to answer.

T'challa Stepped in to the room Okoye trailing behind him. They looked well dress clean and healthy like an ancient warrior and royalty. Mean while (y/n) was dress in torn clothing bare footed filthy and covered in a bit of blood, she was unsure if it was her own or someone else's. She looked like she had already seen the end and already came to terms with it.

"oh child, what happen to you?" T'challa asked kneeling in front of her and take her hands.

"Hello Kitty King" (y/n) said with a small smile " I'm looking for my daddy. Uncle Steve told me I was here"

"Yes, Yes, of course. Okoye please send to Shuri for White wolf and some child's clothing, Thank you" T'challa said not taking his eyes off (y/n) as he rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles as if soothing her comforting her. As T'challa rubbed her knuckles (y/n) stared forward small smile on her face. Even with a smile on her face her eyes were disturbingly dull which struck fear into the oh so fearless king. "Ms. Barnes, Ms. Barnes ... (y/n) what's wrong, What happened to you?"

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