Chapter 9

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There she stood with a freakin' trident. Brough to you by Shuri. "What the hell are you doing down here it's dangerous " he pulls her behind him and begins firing again.

"I've been training for this you can't send me back now It's dangerous no matter where I goo I don't want to be alone. I want to be next to you. It's the safest place to be" Covering Bucky's back she uses the water which surrounds their feet to make daggers and spears impaling and stabbing the beast.

"This no place for a-"

"DADDY" suddenly he was tackled to the ground losing his gun as the beast snaps its jaw at him. He pulls out a knife but before he can stab it a large clear spike made of water erupts from the ground and implies the beast with such force it is knocked off Bucky.

"GET UP" (y/n) yells as she tosses him his gun. She was eight in the middle of the battlefield. She throws up a big barrier around them and a few Wakanda Soldiers. The monsters pile on to the barrier.

" You should have stayed up there," Bucky says not scolding her but stating softly.

"I didn't want to die alone in some corner" He looked down at his daughter her expression neutral but in her eyes, he could see she was anything but.

"I love you," he says

"I love you too" she smiles. Her barrier starts to crack under pressure. Bucky reaches for her hand when a big boom and the ground shakes. Suddenly a flying ax breaks her barrier and kills the monsters. A grin spreads across her face and her eyes spark with hope.

"THOR" she screams.

"HAHA, you guys are screwed" Bruce yells from across the field. In the distance, Thor is seen with a new ax and two people? by his side. With the power and fury of the gods, he runs forward screaming.


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