Chapter 8

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Standing by the window looking down in a controlled Panic she started to feel a very strong burn course through her. Her knees buckle and she fell with the most agonizing scream as her skin started to crack, literally crack, and a light started to glow from those cracks. "Keep working" Wanda shouts over her shoulder to Shuri as she dropped to (y/n)'s side. She heard a faint whisper.

"The power of a dying star"

Then it all stopped. The ordeal lasted no more than a few minutes. She sat up panting and covered in sweat the only evidence of what just happened.

"Are you-"

"Thor. I think. I don't know" she said stood up and walked toward the window taking the same place as before she fell. Wanda and Shuri look on in worry but say nothing. Wanda went back to Vision's side and (y/n) turned her back towards the window and covered her ears. She didn't know why are how but she could hear the fight as if she were right in the middle of it. She was desperate to keep the sound out she covered her ears and paced the room.

"They're being destroyed" (Y/n) whispered to herself as she looked out the window but everyone heard " They don't stand a chance"

"not with you talking like that" Wanda said harshly glaring at the girl. No one needed her negatively at this moment and her constant mumbling was distracting Shuri (Y/n) looked back at Wanda with teary eyes

" I'm scared. But I can't cry .... tears won't win anything neither will me standing here"

"Your negative thoughts won't help," Wanda said as she left Vision's side and went to her.

"Have you meet Thanos? Do you know who he is? Do you know what he's done?"

"have you?" Wanda said bitterly.

"yes" (y/n) said " I remember when he pulled up. I saw him decked out in armor. I was pulled away but I heard the screams and cries of desperate people trying to save their people and their lives. I saw the destruction he left behind. I saw the people he affected... look at those alien dogs down there. We're struggling to fight those. They are nothing compared to him and his children" she whispers the last part as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She didn't know how or why but she knew this wasn't going to end well.

"I'm going"


"Please don't get in my way".

What the hell were these things? They seemed to be coming in never-ending waves. Cut down one three more would pop up. There really wasn't any time to think or dwell on anything everyone on the battlefield had simple thoughts: Kick, punch, stab, fight, kill, survive. Well almost everyone. The one word running through sergeant Barnes mind was Sorry. This word wasn't dedicated to the beasts he spent the last hour killing but to his daughter up above who probably couldn't see him in the chaos below. Or at least he hoped she couldn't see him like this.

He was sorry he left her, he was sorry he took her, he was sorry she didn't get a normal childhood, normal friends, and school, sorry she didn't have a normal family. Sorry that if this didn't end well she either be left alone or die alone. He was terribly sorry and he couldn't say it out loud he couldn't tell her.

Everyone was fighting but that didn't mean they couldn't hear the rushing water or see it running through their legs. The sun was suddenly blocked from Bucky and those around him he looked up to see a large wave.


the wave comes crashing down taking out the dog like best and leaving everyone else dry.

"Take that you alien mutt"


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