Chapter 5

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"Oh, oh baby you're alive you're alive SHE ALIVE SHE OKAY" everyone rushed back to (y/n)'s side the heart monitor beeping steadily. "My baby's got a heartbeat, My baby's got a heartbeat" Bucky cried tears of joy as he lays his head on (y/n)s chest listening and feeling her heartbeat.

"she-she was gone for four minutes" Shuri choose her words carefully around the child not wanting another panic attack. The monitor was right measuring (y/n) death she was gone for four minutes but she does not recall any of those four minutes being in heaven .....and she knew she was it was hell went she saw Thor. Why would the god of thunder be in hell?

The pain in her chest slowly faded but the bruises did not. (y/n) felt different no laying where she was like something was missing. She lifted her arm which held her bracelet looking at it she notices one of her many beads were cracked the one with wings was no longer glowing but cracked.



"A friend"


After six hours of being poked at and pried open Shuri couldn't find anything and decided to give (y/n) a break to rest. She stays in the palace with Shuri in case something popped up while Shuri and Ramando scolded Bucky until he returned home. (y/n) voiced called him on the hour every hour to keep him from worrying.

When (y/n) started feeling the pain again she didn't tell nobody she feard going back to Shuri's lab only to find nothing again she kept all the pain to herself but this anguish was different. This pain was so much worse (y/n) covered her mouth as the pain began to reach an unbearable point. Tears streaming down her face as she clawed at the sheets and buried her face into the pillows. This pain was different she felt like she needed to fell this misery for some reason it was necessary.

As (y/n)'s Vision began to blur with tear a purple light could be seen before darkness. It was like a rush of fresh air came to her and suddenly she remembered everything Thor, Valkyrie, Hulk, Asgardian Jesus, Hela, Sakaar, Asgard, Ragnarok, the tesseract, the ship being attacked, ... Loki ... the fear... the sadness... the snow... she remembered everything and everyone. And she remembered he was coming. Quickly she went running to Shuri's lab the stinging still dull in her legs but she had to fight through it. Just as she barged through the doors her throat started closing up she began to slow down knees growing weak from the lack of air.

"Help" she croaked from the lack of air collapsing to her knees she stilled crawled. Shuri, T'challa, M'Baku, Okoye, and Ramando rush to her aid they were in Shuri's lab discussing her health when she barged in collapsing in her hands and knees gasping for air. M'baku picked her up putting her on the lab table for the second time that day.

"what's wrong with her now?"

"Her throat's being crushed. Like someone is strangling her"

"NO ONE'S TOUCHING HER" M'Baku yelled. Though he had never said it out land he loved (y/n) like she was one of his own and to see her here on this table withering in agony wheezing and heaving for air she could not reach could not grasp the string of his her pulled in anguished and he nearly cried.

"I- I don't know I-I-I've never seen or heard of anything like this" Shuri said pulling out random mediate equipment and hooking it up to (y/n) with shake hands.

"It's okay" Ramando took her daughter's hands a lab assistant came and continued to calmly hook machines up to (y/n) " it's okay calm down" her mother words slowly brought her back.

(Y/n)'s hand someway somehow found Okoye's gripping it tightly as she pulled her towards her. SHe looked like she was trying to speak Okoye leaned down "he's... coming ... kill ... all" and for the second time, that day (y/n)'s heart stopped.


Opening her eyes she still couldn't breathe but this time she found a hand around her throat a purple hand looking up at a face she found him a feeling of dread came over her as his fierce gaze burnt into her. She began to struggle in his grip thrashing punching and clawing at his hand she winded and wheezed as all her breath left her moaned and mewled as she felt the bones in her neck break and twisted the veins in her neck burst and boiled she heard her heart pounding in her ear. She, or whoever she was, was dying she knew it good and well they could feel it. In all the pain she could fell it the tears dripping down their face and the words on the tip of her tongue " I am sorry. I love you" but it never actually never left their lips.

It happened immediately, suddenly, Instanetously a snap she felt and hear the final bone crack she stopped moving could no longer feel anything could no longer see. But she could hear she could hear someones loud sobs she could hear her heartbeat still beating fast. It beat faster, faster, faster, and stopped. Everything stopped. In her mind, the name Loki flashed through. Back in Wakanda her heart beat started up again and everyone praised the lord but (y/n) did not wake.

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