Chapter 4

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Panting heavily she looked around everything around her the trees, the grass, the beautiful blooming flowers were all dead their life in small still droplets in the air. Everything was still, quiet. In one quick swing of her arm for draggers made of water appeared in the air a flew piercing a tree. If you blinded you would have never seen it.

This is an eight year old going on nine, this is (Y/n) Odinson Barnes.

Looking up she noticed the sun nearing its set. She apologizes to the trees and gives them back their life like always. Picking up her back she quickly races home she waved at fisherman as she literally ran across the river a new everyday routine she'd train far away from home and manage to make it back in under ten minutes , her child mind got over the fact that five was impossible.

"I'M HERE" (y/n) yelled as home came into view Bucky, her father, was sitting on the roof.

"Hurry up you're going to miss it" (y/n) quickly scales the roof and joins her father. " You almost missed it"

"no I didn't".

It was a daily routine for them they'd sit on the roof and watch the sunset everyday because there was no other sunset as beautiful as Wakanda's and they've seen quite a few.

"It's beautiful as always" (y/n) said with a smile. They sat in silences and watched the sunset until they were left in the dark.

" I'll never get tire of that" Bucky said jumping down and held out his arm for (y/n) to jump "How was training?".

After a few months Bucky found out about (y/n)'s training and he was fine with it as long as she didn't spend everyday training and made real friends. He even joins her every once and a while. As long as (y/n) was happy not hurting herself or others he was fine with anything.

"I can pull water out the trees and grass and put it back now. I can pull water out of the sir. I've also learned how helpful sweat and tears can be as well."

"That sounds great, But do you really need all that?' he asked catching her setting her down.

"better safe than sorry". They stand for a moment.

" I've been thinking. You know how we say Wakanda's sunset is the most beautiful and nothing can compare. Well we haven't actually compared any other sunsets. What of we travel the world huh I mean I know before we were moving a lot but we weren't traveling we were running and hiding this time we'll travel and explore take our time with each destination we'll actually see everything . We'll start in South America, then Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, oh south Korea and Japan you've always wanted to go there. It'll be great a father daughter road trip around the world. Hell , we'll be like the um... Winchesters but minus the monsters and father daughter instead."

Wasn't it the parents job to lie to the children to spare their feeling from the cruel reality. Give them fantasies, dreams, imagination ... lies. The parents were suppose to be the hypocrites and liars not the children. Unfortunately (y/n) had no imagination, fairy tales, or dreams she was hit with realize before she was toddler and no one shielded her fantasies or stopped her nightmares. She knew the real world well by the age of four and had the mind set of a full grown and bitter adult by the age of six. At birth she wasn't given a shield to protect her imagination, like most kids, but a sword to cut through the bullshit and strong shoulder to carry the weight of others.

Listening to her dad's dreams were painful he actually thought the world would leave him alone and let him do that. AT eight years old going on nine (y/n) but her tongue holding back the truth and looked up at her dad giving a smile all parents gave when lying to their children.

"Of course daddy. And we'll take pictures every where we go. My friends everywhere we stop"

"exactly" Bucky smiled at her little lie. She was just too sweet for her own good.


It was early morning when the first one hit. She was outside reading one of the books Dr. Strange set while her father tended to the animals. Everything was calm when she started to fill this burning sensation go through her it was dill in her stomach so she ignored it, too much training brought achy muscles , but as it grew and spread it called for concern. Maybe she sat in an ant-hill it wouldn't be the first time she made the mistake.

Something was wrong she looked at her arms and legs checking for any abnormalities. She gasped her (s/c) skin was covered in deep dark bruises and they were just appearing out of thin air she watched as a bruises suddenly appeared on her ankle.

"daddy, DADDY" (Y/N) screamed scaring many of the animals.

"Princess, BABY, Princess what is it , Baby?" he ran over and took a knee in front of her he gasped seeing all the bruises that weren't there earlier this morning "what happened, what happened, oh baby what happened?".

"I don't know daddy they just came up. It hurts and I don't know what's happening" she said holding her arms out to her father hoping he had answers but knowing it wasn't likely.

"I'm going to call Shuri" she can help. She'll help. She has to" he said before racing to make the call leaving (y/n) trembling where she sat.


"Oh my goodness" Ramando said as Bucky set (y/n) on the operating table. The call had interrupted a counsel meeting so M'Baku, T'challa, Okoye, and Ramando were all here with Shuri as well.

"what happened " Shuri demanded to know " I-I don't know they just started appearing out of no where. She was just readying a book" Bucky was near tears explaining the unknown situation. Shuri ran around her lab pulling up screens and picking up things she placed several stickers on (y/n)'s chest to read her heart beat and breathing pattern. There was no pattern to her breathing and her heart beat was out of control.

"Panic attack"


"I don't know where your bruises are coming from but the reason you can't breath is because you're having a panic attack. Bucky took her right hand Shuri took her left " Princess breath everything is going to be okay I'm not going to let anything happen to you please just breath" he said giving her hand a gentle squeeze her heartbeat and breathing pattern came down steady.

"I don't know and I

don't like not knowing ... it scares me not knowing " (y/n) said closing her eyes

"That;s why you read s o many books" Bucky says

"and ask so many questions" Shuri says now realizing why she wanted hundreds upon thousands of books and had millions of question that absolutely needed answers couldn't be left for the next life.

(y/n) smiled up at Bucky " Daddy I think I'm-" gasped them the heart monitor flatlined.

"no, no, NOOOOO. Oh god, oh god" Bucky cupped (y/n)'s face "baby... baby, oh no my baby, my baby"

"what happened?" the others screamed behind Bucky as he sobbed for his little girl. Shuri raced around her lab in a panic looking for something, anything, everything to revive this little girl.


(Y/n) gasped feeling a pain in her chest she closed her eyes then opened them again she wasn't in Shuri's lab anymore . Looking around she found nothing but bodies dead bodies men, women, children no one was spared blood everywhere everything in ruins.

"No" a voice cried in the distance she looked over to see Thor hunched for reaching out to her. She felt a pressure on her chest she looked up a foot on her chest and a spear in her heart the creature above her snarled "and Valkyrie is suppose to be the best" and then she twisted. (y/n) ,or Valkyrie, put both hands on her chest a faint glow was seen and her heart beat began to slow down.


(Y/n) gasped again back in Shuri's lab her father sobbing onto her chest and everyone else running around panicking.

"Daddy... my chest hurts"

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