Chapter 6

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(y/n) slowly opened her eyes letting them adjust sitting up she looked around she was in the middle of the woods everything was covered in snow, it looked beautiful. 

"Oh well, haven't you grown into a beautiful young lady" she looked up to Loki walking towards her he reached out a hand to help her up " are you going to spend all day napping in the snow?" she shook her head no and took his hand he helped her up and pulled her along to follow.

"I use to hate the snow " he began " I hate it because it was cold it looked lifeless to me. It reminded me of my true heritage where and who I truly came from. I didn't like who I came from where I came from. It was just... I hate it. But a little later I learned to love it a few people taught me to love the snow. It's so white, clean, fragile, beautiful. It's so beautiful. Look at how slowly and gracefully it falls. ANd look at what's in it" Loki points around a white hair hopping through the snow, a snow fox creeping through the trees in a tree a winter owl taking a nap. Wildlife so quiet, so fragile, so beautiful.

"This is the snow and it's beautiful" Loki lead her to a frozen stream they walked alongside it. " What about you what have you learned to love?"

"The Rain, I use to hate the rain"


"My mother left me in the rain... when it rained pipes would leak it would drip on my bed and in the hallway. My... the man I lived with would make me clean it up. I slept on the floor when it rained... I left in the rain." Her eyes teared up as she went back into the bad memories of her bad life before.

"Now, why do you love it?" Loki asked giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

" I meet Sebastian in the rain he saved me ... I can control the rain ... it's so beautiful dripping down windows I love dancing in the rain I love the sound of soft rain. And I love the rainbow that comes afterward and the rain puddles. It's beautiful" she smiled softly looking at the frozen stream. When you're actually looking it's easy to see the beauty in nature.

"I'm sorry ... It's your bracelet" Loki said as the two stopped (y/n) was confused. What was he sorry for what did it have to do with her bracelet.

"You're in pain and it's because of your bracelet. If I had known I would have taken it away." he stopped and kneeled in front of her taking the hand with her bracelet. " This is a special bracelet my darling each one of these Beautiful charms represents a person."

"I know this one represents Shuri, Steve, Sam, Natasha, M'Baku, Okoye, Tony, Peter-"

"No love these represent life, each and every life. And when that person ... When that person is gone or going you feel it, you feel their end ... you felt my end."

"I - I don't understand what are you talking about what do you mean end" (Y/n)'s voice cracked as tears gathered and slipped from her eyes Loki wiped them away.

"yes, you do. You know what I mean that's why you're crying. Stop crying love, listen. When you wake up- "


"you're going to take off the bracelet and the pain will go away. All the pain will go away. And you're going to hide and-"



"NO, NO, NO" she stomped her foot and shouted " I will not take it off. I will not hide and I will not run. And you are not gone"

"BUT I AM" Loki shouted frighting (y/n) and calling all life to a still his voice echoing through the forest he spoke softer "But I am, I am gone, I'm no longer here but a bit of magic one connection allows this dream. You know I am not here, you know"

"I know" she cried collapsing into his chest and hugging him close he felt so real his heart sounded so real. She cried some more. " I can't ... I can't take off my bracelet I have more friends, more family, more connections and I don't know where they are. I need my bracelet to let me know they're okay. I can't hide or run I must fight with my family like with you on Asgard".

Loki picked (y/n) up and slowly began to walk while carrying her " you're a child you shouldn't have to fight. You should play, learn, experience young life. You should not be fighting you are not a warrior."

"But I am, I've been fighting forever and I'll continue fighting ... I'm one of the Earth's most experienced fighters and I'm only 8"

Loki laughed " that you are little one, that you are... well I've given you the warning I set out to give you" Loki set her on her feet and kneeled in front of her. "there's nothing more I can do. You already know what's coming, please just think about what I said."

Loki takes her face in his hands and gently kisses her forehead " I love you"

"I love you, too" (y/n) smiled with tears. Wiping her tears away one final time. Loki stands up and walks further into the forest leaving (y/n) behind. " Please ...come back," she says watching his back as he walked away. A soft white light started taking over her Vision.



(y/n) slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room she found her father sleeping in a nearby chair a blanket was thrown over him and Shur sleeping next to her on the bed she was hooked up to machines. She turned and poked Shuri she instantly woke up she looked around the room before noticing (y/n)'s opened eyes.

"Oh thank our ancestors you're finally awake."

"Good morning" (y/n) whispered

"good morning," Shuri said hugging her.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Two days. It's morning now" Shuri said as she checked her vitals.

"I'm sorry" (y/n) said looking down shamefully

"Why are you apologizing?"

"for making everyone worry" Shuri laughed a bit

"no need to apologize you couldn't control it ... your father has something new to show you" Shuri tossed a shoe waking Bucky. 

Seeing (y/n) awake he rushed to her side "are you okay? what hurt? oh my gosh, I was so worried" he engulfed her in a hug nearly suffocating her.

"I'm awake now, daddy. It's okay" she pulled back looking at him he looked completely exhausted that was her fault. But his improved arm was thank to Shuri. "Woah so cool" (y/n) said taking it in hand tracing the gold cracks in between the black plates. "It's beautiful daddy. You're beautiful, daddy" he blushed and Shuri laughed.

Even in between jokes and laughter (y/n) could sense the uneasiness come off of the both of them they were tense and quit trying to keep her in the room and entertained finally having enough she asked "okay, what happened? Something happen please tell me".

"A spaceship landed in New York took Mr. Stark and Spiderman. Captain America and his team are on their way and we are going to be invaded by aliens" Shuri said all in one breath they could really tell she was holding it in but (y/n) didn't understand a word she said she turned to her father hoping his explanation was better.

"a Spaceship landed in New York. Tony and the Spider-Kid go caught in it and it flew off. Steve's on his way with the others they know no more about the situation."

Now that she could understand that. Did it sound a bit crazy? Yeah. Did she believe it? You bet the tush she did. After everything she saw, you could have told her the president gave birth to an orange and she'd believe it. Spaceships were nothing new to her.

"what shape was it? what color?" (y/n) asked crawling out of bed three was a bag with some clothes at the end of the bed she took it to the bathroom. Bucky and Shuri were confused with her questions and didn't really understand but she seemed to grasp the situation even though she just now heard about it.

"A donut kind of, big, and gray" Shuri pulled up a picture and showed it to her as she left the bathroom she looked at it.

"Nothing I've seen before" she whispered " I remember how I got here to Wakanda I remember what Happen to me. I know who's coming and I know why"

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