Chapter 2

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(Y/n) cried in Bucky's arms for a good 30 minutes before she just collapsed from exhaustion in his arms. As soon as (y/n) ran into his chest T'challa, Shuri, Okoye, and Ramanda left to give them some privacy. Once there was no more crying heard Shuri knocked on the door and stuck her head in she saw Bucky seating in the floor by the throne with (y/n) in his lap sleeping soundly head on his shoulder his one arm wrapped around her torso.

"I actually thought I'd never see her least not until she was much older" Bucky confessed as he looked over the balcony at the clouds above it was a beautifully calm day. " does anyone know what happen to her?...she's different" Shuri came in sitting in a council seat in front of Bucky.

"No one knows and she doesn't remember"

"where'd she come from? How did she get here?"

"She was found on the edge of the forest she was wet. We believe she comes from the river but we don't know where before that. There's an investigation going on"

"don't bother," Bucky said " Thor put her here so he probably used magic instead of the Bifrost, we would have seen and heard the Bifrost miles away. Whatever happens, she doesn't remember and doesn't want to. her being here is a gift and I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth when I Know she can be easily taken away. I'm just going to enjoy this while" he softly kissed (y/n) forehead.

Honestly, he was going to savor this moment every time he had a good moment like this with (y/n) something bad happens. Last time it was the attack on the accords and before Hydra, and before that, it was a lousy panic attack. It didn't matter what or when it was something or someone would ruin the moment. He wanted happiness she was his happiness and he would keep her for as long as he could. Shuri sat watching Bucky as he held the child tight like she'd disappear if he ever let go. It was natural yet desperate he seemed so desperate in holding like he was deprived of touch, of love.

"nothing is going to happen to her or you I promise".

Once (y/n) woke again the Avengers were informed of her being in Wakanda Tony tried to convince her to come home but she refused instead making herself comfortable with her father in Wakanda. Finally giving up Tony sent over all her stuffed animals and books she didn't want her clothes she preferred the fabric in Wakanda. Everything was so much better in Wakanda.

(y/n) had met many people in Wakanda so far her favorite people were Nakia, Okoye, Ramanda, Shuri, and M'Baku. She liked talking to Nakia they both spoke multiple languages they always had secrets. Okoye was a warrior and (y/n) thought it was awesome always asking for a spear never getting one because they were dangerous and she was a child. Que eye roll. Ramanda was like a grandmother she never had every time she saw her she had some story to tell her or something to give her like a sweater, blanket, or scarf. You know grandma stuff.

Shuri was like an older sibling giving (y/n) advice, showing her new stuff, and making sure she knew no one cooler then again no one is cooler than Shuri. Peter has competition. And M'Baku he was just straight up awesome whenever he was around (y/n) followed him around and did almost everything he did, she couldn't hold the vegan thing, she sure did like to roar and growl at or with him.

(Y/n) found a third home in Wakanda. Jeez, this kind was planting roots everywhere.


"This is your home" (y/n) said as Bucky's home came in view

"Yeah, it's our home". (y/n) held on to Bucky's belt as he leads the way Okoye, Ramanda, T'challa and some guards behind them. (y/n) hid behind Bucky as a horse came up to them.

"w-what's its name?" she asked cautiously of the animals as it ate whatever was in Bucky's hand.

"never gave him one" (y/n) stepped forward holding her out for the horse to sniff or lick, he licked.



"no Alivs. He's Alivs" the horse naes and danced agreeing with (y/n) " he likes it" Bucky chuckles patting her head everyone else smiles. "Daddy?" Bucky takes a knee in front of her sensing her slowly descending into panic " are we safe?" she whispered but the others hear.

"Look up. You don't see it but there's a force field covering this places. No one can get in can't even see this place from outside. We're safe. No one's going to hurt you." he brushed her cheek gently giving her a reassuring smile.

(y/n) smiles as well but his words did not reassure her she still felt unsafe like this force field was nothing like something big would drop down any minute and destroy everything. Something big was coming or on its way but she didn't have to tell anyone. She couldn't ruin this moment.

"Okay daddy"

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