Chapter 7

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(Y/n) explained and told everyone what happened. Hela, Sakaar, destroying of Asgard and finally Thanos. Although she could not fully explain how she got to Wakanda, why she forgot, and why what happened to her years prior was affecting and taking place now. It was a mystery they had no time to ponder over.

"They are here," T'challa said as he passed a room where Bucky and (y/n) were waiting. (Y/n) was faster than Bucky and caught up to T'challa's side he smiled but said nothing. They walked outside as soon as the doors to the jet opening.

"HIIIII" (y/n) screamed as she waved like a crazy person with both of her hands. In these dark and dangerous times, she would try her best to be everyone's light and a ray of sunshine.

Sam was the first to scoop her up into a bear crushing hug. " where in the world have you been, kid?"

"I've been out of this world"

"we saw from your pictures. His sweetheart" Natasha said taking her turn picking her up " you had us worried. I'm happy you're okay" she kissed her forehead before setting her down on her feet.

"Good day, little soldier" she gave Steve a salute he chuckled before picking her up " how are you doing little soldier? I heard you were in battle"

"Sir yes sir I was in two space battles. The first one we won the second one.... we retreated honorably"

Steve smiled and kissed her forehead " I'm just happy you're okay"

"Of course I'm okay you guys need me. Who else would wash daddy's hair" Sam overhears and doubted over in a fit of laughter.

"Speaking of the century-old soldier," T'challa said as Bucky finally came out and slowly strolled over Wanda and Vision had skipped introductions and were receiving treatment inside.

"Bucky, how are you doing?"

"pretty good for the end of the word" Bucky chuckles Steve puts (y/n) down and hugged Bucky not wanting to ruin the moment she walked over to Rhodey.

"As the great goddess of water, Mischief, life, and cuteness would say...Gay"

Rhodey leans down and whispers " wait, who is the goddess of water, Mischief, life, and cuteness?"

"Me" (y/n) said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Rhodey had never been sassed by someone so tiny and young. Was the earth not informed of her new godly statues? Rhodey chuckled ruffling her head. "I missed you kid"

"I missed you too." she said hugging his hip " Asgardian Princes and warriors make very terrible babysitters" Rhodey chuckled some more before hugging her back and walking away. She hadn't changed at all and he liked that.

(Y/n) was busy admiring her daddy and soon to be dad when she heard a soft "Hey" she slowly turned around to see Bruce. He was slouched over in dark baggy clothes he was picking at the hem of his sleeves to the point there were no hems to his sleeves just tattered ends. As bad as he looked she half expected him to start a rant about how no one cares, nothing mattered, it's all the governments' fault, and he was going to die like any typical movie teenager. He sure did look like one.

Hey," he said a bit louder as if she didn't hear him the first time " it... it's me" he said his voice cracking and wavering as if he was about to cry. " I-I thought you were gone... where'd you go?" (y/n) ran and jumped into his arms.

"I'm right here" she cried into his shoulder. Honestly (y/n) felt very guilty when she learned she had abandoned everyone to face Thanos wrath even if it wasn't her doing. It weighed her heart down heavily. Worse than knowing she had completely forgotten where everyone was for three years. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry I didn't bring you home with me. I'm so sorry Uncle Bruce".

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